Deploy Recipes
The AWS OpsWorks Stacks service reached end of life on May 26, 2024 and has been disabled for both new and existing customers.
We strongly recommend customers migrate their workloads to other solutions as soon as possible. If you have questions about migration, reach out to the AWS Support Team on AWS re:Post
Deploy recipes are assigned to the layer's Deploy lifecycle event. It typically occurs on all of the stack's instances whenever you deploy an app, although you can optionally restrict the event to only specified instances. AWS OpsWorks Stacks also runs the Deploy recipes on new instances, after the Setup recipes complete. The primary purpose of Deploy recipes is to deploy code and related files from a repository to the application server layer's instances. However, you often run Deploy recipes on other layers as well. This allows those layers' instances, for example, to update their configuration to accommodate the newly deployed app. When you implement a Deploy recipe, keep in mind a Deploy event does not necessarily mean that apps are being deployed to the instance. It could simply be a notification that apps are being deployed to other instances in the stack, to allow the instance to make any necessary updates. The recipe must be able to respond appropriately, which might mean doing nothing.
AWS OpsWorks Stacks automatically deploys apps of the standard app types to the corresponding
built-in application server layers. To deploy apps to a custom layer, you must implement
custom Deploy recipes that download the app's files from a repository to the appropriate
location on the instance. However, you can often limit the amount of code you must write
by using the built-in deploy
The tomcat::deploy
recipe is intended to be assigned to the Deploy
lifecycle event.
include_recipe 'deploy'
node[:deploy].each do |application, deploy|
opsworks_deploy_dir do
user deploy[:user]
group deploy[:group]
path deploy[:deploy_to]
opsworks_deploy do
deploy_data deploy
app application
The tomcat::deploy
recipe uses the built-in deploy cookbook for aspects
of deployment that aren't application specific. The deploy
recipe (which is
shorthand for the built-in deploy::default
recipe) is a built-in recipe
that handles the details of setting up the users, groups, and so on, based on data from
the deploy
The recipe uses two built-in Chef definitions, opsworks_deploy_dir
to install the application.
The opsworks_deploy_dir
definition sets up the directory structure, based
on data from the app's deployment JSON. Definitions are basically a convenient way to
package resource definitions, and are located in a cookbook's
directory. Recipes can use definitions much like
resources, but the definition itself does not have an associated provider, just the
resources that are included in the definition. You can define variables in the recipe,
which are passed to the underlying resource definitions. The tomcat::deploy
recipe sets user
, group
, and path
variables based
on data from the deployment JSON. They are passed to the definition's directory resource
Your deployed app's user and group are determined by the
attributes, which are defined in the
built-in deploy cookbook's deploy.rb
is deploy
. The default value of
depends on the instance's operating
For Ubuntu instances, the default group is
. -
For Amazon Linux instances that are members of a Rails App Server layer that uses Nginx and Unicorn, the default group is
. -
For all other Amazon Linux instances, the default group is
You can change either setting by using custom JSON or a custom attributes file to override the appropriate attribute. For more information, see Overriding Attributes.
The other definition, opsworks_deploy
, handles the details of checking
out the app's code and related files from the repository and deploying them to the
instance, based on data from the deploy
attributes. You can use this
definition for any app type; deployment details such as the directory names are
specified in the console or through the API and put in the deploy
attributes. However, opsworks_deploy
works only for the four supported repository
types: Git, Subversion, S3, and HTTP. You must implement this code yourself
if you want to use a different repository type.
You install an app's files in the Tomcat webapps
directory. A
typical practice is to copy the files directly to webapps
. However,
AWS OpsWorks Stacks deployment is designed to retain up to five versions of an app on an instance, so
you can roll back to an earlier version if necessary. AWS OpsWorks Stacks therefore does the
Deploys apps to a distinct directory whose name contains a time stamp, such as
. -
Creates a symlink named
, such as/srv/www/my_1st_jsp/current
, to this unique directory. -
If does not already exist, creates a symlink from the
directory to thecurrent
symlink created in Step 2.
If you need to roll back to an earlier version, modify the
symlink to point to a distinct directory containing the
appropriate timestamp, for example, by changing the link target of
The middle section of tomcat::deploy
sets up the symlink.
current_dir = ::File.join(deploy[:deploy_to], 'current')
webapp_dir = ::File.join(node['tomcat']['webapps_base_dir'], deploy[:document_root].blank? ? application : deploy[:document_root])
# opsworks_deploy creates some stub dirs, which are not needed for typical webapps
ruby_block "remove unnecessary directory entries in #{current_dir}" do
block do
node['tomcat']['webapps_dir_entries_to_delete'].each do |dir_entry|
::FileUtils.rm_rf(::File.join(current_dir, dir_entry), :secure => true)
link webapp_dir do
to current_dir
action :create
The recipe first creates two variables, current_dir
to represent the current
directories, respectively. It then uses a
resource to link webapp_dir
to current_dir
The AWS OpsWorks Stacks deploy::default
recipe creates some stub directories that aren't
required for this example, so the middle part of the excerpt removes them.
The final part of tomcat::deploy
restarts the Tomcat service, if
include_recipe 'tomcat::service'
execute 'trigger tomcat service restart' do
command '/bin/true'
not_if { node['tomcat']['auto_deploy'].to_s == 'true' }
notifies :restart, resources(:service => 'tomcat')
include_recipe 'tomcat::context'
The recipe first runs tomcat::service
, to ensure that the service is
defined for this Chef run. It then uses an execute resource['tomcat']['auto_deploy']
is set
to 'true'
. Otherwise, Tomcat listens for changes in its
directory, which makes an explicit Tomcat service
restart unnecessary.
The execute
resource doesn't actually execute anything substantive;
is a dummy shell script that simply returns a success code.
It is used here simply as a convenient way to generate a restart notification. As
mentioned earlier, using notifications ensures that services are not restarted too
Finally, tomcat::deploy
runs tomcat::context
, which updates
the web app context configuration file if you have changed the back end database.