Step 2: Create the Stack and its Components - AWS OpsWorks

Step 2: Create the Stack and its Components


The AWS OpsWorks Stacks service reached end of life on May 26, 2024 and has been disabled for both new and existing customers. We strongly recommend customers migrate their workloads to other solutions as soon as possible. If you have questions about migration, reach out to the AWS Support Team on AWS re:Post or through AWS Premium Support.

Create an AWS OpsWorks Stacks stack and its components, which include a layer and an instance. In later steps, you upload your cookbook to the instance and then run the cookbook's recipes on that instance.

To create the stack
  1. Sign in to the AWS OpsWorks Stacks console at

  2. Do one of the following, if they apply:

    • If the Welcome to AWS OpsWorks Stacks page is displayed, choose Add your first stack or Add your first AWS OpsWorks Stacks stack (both choices do the same thing). The Add stack page is displayed.

    • If the OpsWorks Dashboard page is displayed, choose Add stack. The Add Stack page is displayed.

  3. Choose Chef 12 stack.

  4. In the Stack name box, type the stack's name, for example MyCookbooksDemoStack. You can type a different name, but be sure to substitute it for MyCookbooksDemoStack throughout this walkthrough.

  5. For Region, choose US West (Oregon).

  6. For VPC, do one of the following:

  7. For Use custom Chef cookbooks, choose Yes.

  8. For Repository type, choose S3 Archive.


    In the Getting Started: Linux walkthrough, you chose Http Archive. Be sure to choose S3 Archive here instead.

  9. For Repository URL, type the path to your opsworks_cookbook_demo.tar.gz file in S3. To get the path, in the S3 console, select the opsworks_cookbook_demo.tar.gz file. On the Properties pane, copy the value of the Link field. (It should be similar to this:

  10. If your S3 bucket is private, which is the default, then for Access key ID and Secret access key, type the access key ID and secret access key of the IAM user that you are using for this walkthrough. For more information, see Editing Object Permissions and Share an Object with Others.

  11. Leave the defaults for the following:

    • Default Availability Zone (us-west-2a)

    • Default operating system (Linux and Amazon Linux 2016.09)

    • Default SSH key (Do not use a default SSH key)

    • Stack color (dark blue)

  12. Choose Advanced.

  13. For IAM role, do one of the following:

    • If aws-opsworks-service-role is available, choose it.

    • If aws-opsworks-service-role is not available, choose New IAM role.

  14. For Default IAM instance profile, do one of the following:

    • If aws-opsworks-ec2-role is available, choose it.

    • If aws-opsworks-ec2-role is not available, choose New IAM instance profile.

  15. Leave the defaults for the following:

    • Default root device type (EBS backed)

    • Hostname theme (Layer Dependent)

    • OpsWorks Agent version (most recent version)

    • Custom Chef JSON (blank)

    • Security, Use OpsWorks security groups (Yes)

  16. Choose Add stack. AWS OpsWorks Stacks creates the stack and displays the MyCookbooksDemoStack page.

To create the layer
  1. In the service navigation pane, choose Layers. The Layers page is displayed.

  2. Choose Add a layer.

  3. On the OpsWorks tab, for Name, type MyCookbooksDemoLayer. You can type a different name, but be sure to substitute it for MyCookbooksDemoLayer throughout this walkthrough.

  4. For Short name, type cookbooks-demo. You can type a different name, but be sure to substitute it for cookbooks-demo throughout this walkthrough.

  5. Choose Add layer. AWS OpsWorks Stacks adds the layer and displays the Layers page.

To create and start the instance
  1. In the service navigation pane, choose Instances. The Instances page is displayed.

  2. Choose Add an instance.

  3. On the New tab, choose Advanced.

  4. Leave the defaults for the following:

    • Hostname (cookbooks-demo1)

    • Size (c3.large)

    • Subnet (IP address us-west-2a)

    • Scaling type (24/7)

    • SSH key (Do not use a default SSH key)

    • Operating system (Amazon Linux 2016.09)

    • OpsWorks Agent version (Inherit from stack)

    • Tenancy (Default - Rely on VPC settings)

    • Root device type (EBS backed)

    • Volume type (General Purpose (SSD))

    • Volume size (8)

  5. Choose Add instance.

  6. For MyCookbooksDemoLayer, for cookbooks-demo1, for Actions, choose start. Do not proceed until Status changes to online. This process might take several minutes, so be patient.

You now have a stack, a layer, and an instance to which the cookbook was automatically copied from your S3 bucket. In the next step, you will run and test the default recipe from within the cookbook on the instance.