Inheritance terminology - AWS Organizations

Inheritance terminology

This topic uses the following terms when discussing management policy inheritance.

Policy inheritance

The interaction of policies at differing levels of an organization, moving from the top-level root of the organization, down through the organizational unit (OU) hierarchy to individual accounts.

You can attach policies to the organization root, OUs, individual accounts, and to any combination of these organization entities. Policy inheritance refers to management policies that are attached to the organization root or to an OU. All accounts that are members of the organization root or OU where a management policy is attached inherit that policy.

For example, when management policies are attached to the organization root, all accounts in the organization inherit that policy. That's because all accounts in an organization are always under the organization root. When you attach a policy to a specific OU, accounts that are directly under that OU or any child OU inherit that policy. Because you can attach policies to multiple levels in the organization, accounts might inherit multiple policy documents for a single policy type.

Parent policies

Policies that are attached higher in the organizational tree than policies that are attached to entities lower in the tree.

For example, if you attach management policy A to the organization root, it's just a policy. If you also attach policy B to an OU under that root, policy A is the parent policy of Policy B. Policy B is the child policy of Policy A. Policy A and policy B merge to create the effective tag policy for accounts in the OU.

Child policies

Policies that are attached at a lower level in the organization tree than the parent policy.

Effective policies

The final, single policy document that specifies the rules that apply to an account. The effective policy is the aggregation of any policies the account inherits, plus any policy that is directly attached to the account. For example, tag policies enable you to view the effective tag policy that applies to any of your accounts. For more information, see Viewing effective tag policies.

Inheritance operators

Operators that control how inherited policies merge into a single effective policy. These operators are considered an advanced feature. Experienced policy authors can use them to limit what changes a child policy can make and how settings in policies merge. For more information, see Inheritance operators.