Manage appliances with the AWS Panorama API - AWS Panorama

Manage appliances with the AWS Panorama API

You can automate appliance management tasks with the AWS Panorama API.

View devices

To get a list of appliances with device IDs, use the ListDevices API.

$ aws panorama list-devices "Devices": [ { "DeviceId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere", "Name": "my-appliance", "CreatedTime": 1652409973.613, "ProvisioningStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "LastUpdatedTime": 1652410973.052, "LeaseExpirationTime": 1652842940.0 } ] }

To get more details about an appliance, use the DescribeDevice API.

$ aws panorama describe-device --device-id device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere { "DeviceId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere", "Name": "my-appliance", "Arn": "arn:aws:panorama:us-west-2:123456789012:device/device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere", "Type": "PANORAMA_APPLIANCE", "DeviceConnectionStatus": "ONLINE", "CreatedTime": 1648232043.421, "ProvisioningStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "LatestSoftware": "4.3.55", "CurrentSoftware": "4.3.45", "SerialNumber": "GFXMPL0013023708", "Tags": {}, "CurrentNetworkingStatus": { "Ethernet0Status": { "IpAddress": "", "ConnectionStatus": "CONNECTED", "HwAddress": "8C:XM:PL:60:C5:88" }, "Ethernet1Status": { "IpAddress": "--", "ConnectionStatus": "NOT_CONNECTED", "HwAddress": "8C:XM:PL:60:C5:89" } }, "LeaseExpirationTime": 1652746098.0 }

Upgrade appliance software

If the LatestSoftware version is newer than the CurrentSoftware, you can upgrade the device. Use the CreateJobForDevices API to create an over-the-air (OTA) update job.

$ aws panorama create-job-for-devices --device-ids device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere \ --device-job-config '{"OTAJobConfig": {"ImageVersion": "4.3.55"}}' --job-type OTA { "Jobs": [ { "JobId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere-0", "DeviceId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere" } ] }

In a script, you can populate the image version field in the job configuration file with Bash string manipulation.

apply_update() { DEVICE_ID=$1 NEW_VERSION=$2 CONFIG='{"OTAJobConfig": {"ImageVersion": "NEW_VERSION"}}' CONFIG=${CONFIG/NEW_VERSION/$NEW_VERSION} aws panorama create-job-for-devices --device-ids ${DEVICE_ID} --device-job-config "${CONFIG}" --job-type OTA }

The appliance downloads the specified software version and updates itself. Watch the update's progress with the DescribeDeviceJob API.

$ aws panorama describe-device-job --job-id device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere-0 { "JobId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere-0", "DeviceId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere", "DeviceArn": "arn:aws:panorama:us-west-2:559823168634:device/device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere", "DeviceName": "my-appliance", "DeviceType": "PANORAMA_APPLIANCE", "ImageVersion": "4.3.55", "Status": "REBOOTING", "CreatedTime": 1652410232.465 }

To get a list of all running jobs, use the ListDevicesJobs.

$ aws panorama list-devices-jobs { "DeviceJobs": [ { "DeviceName": "my-appliance", "DeviceId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere", "JobId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere-0", "CreatedTime": 1652410232.465 } ] }

For a sample script that checks for and applies updates, see in this guide's GitHub repository.

Reboot appliances

To reboot an appliance, use the CreateJobForDevices API.

$ aws panorama create-job-for-devices --device-ids device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere --job-type REBOOT { "Jobs": [ { "JobId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere-0", "DeviceId": "device-4tafxmplhtmzabv5lsacba4ere" } ] }

In a script, you can get a list of devices and choose one to reboot interactively.

Example – usage
$ ./ Getting devices... 0: device-53amxmplyn3gmj72epzanacniy my-se70-1 1: device-6talxmpl5mmik6qh5moba6jium my-manh-24 Choose a device 1 Reboot device device-6talxmpl5mmik6qh5moba6jium? (y/n)y { "Jobs": [ { "DeviceId": "device-6talxmpl5mmik6qh5moba6jium", "JobId": "device-6talxmpl5mmik6qh5moba6jium-8" } ] }