Building an application image - AWS Panorama

Building an application image

The AWS Panorama Appliance runs applications as container filesystems exported from an image that you build. You specify your application's dependencies and resources in a Dockerfile that uses the AWS Panorama application base image as a starting point.

To build an application image, you use Docker and the AWS Panorama Application CLI. The following example from this guide's sample application demonstrates these use cases.

Example packages/123456789012-SAMPLE_CODE-1.0/Dockerfile
FROM WORKDIR /panorama COPY . . RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip && \ pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

The following Dockerfile instructions are used.

  • FROM – Loads the application base image (

  • WORKDIR – Set the working directory on the image. /panorama is used for application code and related files. This setting only persists during the build and does not affect the working directory for your application at runtime (/).

  • COPY – Copies files from a local path to a path on the image. COPY . . copies the files in the current directory (the package directory) to the working directory on the image. For example, the application code is copied from packages/123456789012-SAMPLE_CODE-1.0/ to /panorama/

  • RUN – Runs shell commands on the image during the build. A single RUN operation can run multiple commands in sequence by using && between commands. This example updates the pip package manager and then installs the libraries listed in requirements.txt.

You can use other instructions, such as ADD and ARG, that are useful at build time. Instructions that add runtime information to the container, such as ENV, do not work with AWS Panorama. AWS Panorama does not run a container from the image. It only uses the image to export a filesystem, which is transferred to the appliance.

Specifying dependencies

requirements.txt is a Python requirements file that specifies libraries used by the application. The sample application uses Open CV and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).

Example packages/123456789012-SAMPLE_CODE-1.0/requirements.txt
boto3==1.24.* opencv-python==4.6.*

The pip install command in the Dockerfile installs these libraries to the Python dist-packages directory under /usr/local/lib, so that they can be imported by your application code.

Local storage

AWS Panorama reserves the /opt/aws/panorama/storage directory for application storage. Your application can create and modify files at this path. Files created in the storage directory persist across reboots. Other temporary file locations are cleared on boot.

Building image assets

When you build an image for your application package with the AWS Panorama Application CLI, the CLI runs docker build in the package directory. This builds an application image that contains your application code. The CLI then creates a container, exports its filesystem, compresses it, and stores it in the assets folder.

$ panorama-cli build-container --container-asset-name code_asset --package-path packages/123456789012-SAMPLE_CODE-1.0 docker build -t code_asset packages/123456789012-SAMPLE_CODE-1.0 --pull docker export --output=code_asset.tar $(docker create code_asset:latest) gzip -1 code_asset.tar { "name": "code_asset", "implementations": [ { "type": "container", "assetUri": "6f67xmpl32743ed0e60c151a02f2f0da1bf70a4ab9d83fe236fa32a6f9b9f808.tar.gz", "descriptorUri": "1872xmpl129481ed053c52e66d6af8b030f9eb69b1168a29012f01c7034d7a8f.json" } ] } Container asset for the package has been succesfully built at /home/user/aws-panorama-developer-guide/sample-apps/aws-panorama-sample/assets/6f67xmpl32743ed0e60c151a02f2f0da1bf70a4ab9d83fe236fa32a6f9b9f808.tar.gz

The JSON block in the output is an asset definition that the CLI adds to the package configuration (package.json) and registers with the AWS Panorama service. The CLI also copies the descriptor file, which specifies the path to the application script (the application's entry point).

Example packages/123456789012-SAMPLE_CODE-1.0/descriptor.json
{ "runtimeDescriptor": { "envelopeVersion": "2021-01-01", "entry": { "path": "python3", "name": "/panorama/" } } }

In the assets folder, the descriptor and application image are named for their SHA-256 checksum. This name is used as a unique identifier for the asset when it is stored is Amazon S3.