Application parameters - AWS Panorama

Application parameters

Parameters are nodes that have a basic type and can be overridden during deployment. A parameter can have a default value and a decorator, which instructs the application's user how to configure it.

Parameter types
  • string – A string. For example, DEBUG.

  • int32 – An integer. For example, 20

  • float32 – A floating point number. For example, 47.5

  • booleantrue or false.

The following example shows two parameters, a string and a number, which are sent to a code node as inputs.

Example graph.json – Parameters
"nodes": [ { "name": "detection_threshold", "interface": "float32", "value": 20.0, "overridable": true, "decorator": { "title": "Threshold", "description": "The minimum confidence percentage for a positive classification." } }, { "name": "log_level", "interface": "string", "value": "INFO", "overridable": true, "decorator": { "title": "Logging level", "description": "DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL." } } ... ], "edges": [ { "producer": "detection_threshold", "consumer": "code_node.threshold" }, { "producer": "log_level", "consumer": "code_node.log_level" } ... ] }

You can modify parameters directly in the application manifest, or provide new values at deploy-time with overrides. For more information, see Deploy-time configuration with overrides.