Service quotas - AWS Panorama

Service quotas

AWS Panorama applies quotas to the resources that you create in your account and the applications that you deploy. If you use AWS Panorama in multiple AWS Regions, quotas apply separately to each Region. AWS Panorama quotas are not adjustable.

Resources in AWS Panorama include devices, application node packages, and application instances.

  • Devices – Up to 50 registered appliances per Region.

  • Node packages – 50 packages per Region, with up to 20 versions per package.

  • Application instances – Up to 10 applications per device. Each application can monitor up to 8 camera streams. Deployments are limited to 200 per day for each device.

When you use the AWS Panorama Application CLI, AWS Command Line Interface, or AWS SDK with the AWS Panorama service, quotas apply to the number of API calls that you make. You can make up to 5 requests total per second. A subset of API operations that create or modify resources apply an additional limit of 1 request per second.

For a complete list of quotas, visit the Service Quotas console, or see AWS Panorama endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.