Create launch templates for AWS PCS
When you create a compute node group, you provide an EC2 launch template that AWS PCS uses to configure EC2 instances it launches. This includes settings such as security groups and scripts that run when the instance launches.
In this step, one CloudFormation template will be used to create two EC2 launch templates. One template will be used to create login nodes, and the other will be used to create compute nodes. The key difference between them is that the login nodes can be configured to allow inbound SSH access.
Access the
CloudFormation template
Use the following URL to download the CloudFormation template, then upload the template in
the AWS CloudFormation console
Use the
CloudFormation template to create EC2 launch templates
Use the following procedure to complete the CloudFormation template in the AWS CloudFormation console
Under Provide a stack name:
Under Stack name, enter
Under Parameters:
Under Security
For VpcSecurityGroupId, select the security group named
in your cluster VPC. -
For ClusterSecurityGroupId, select the group named
For SshSecurityGroupId, select the group named
For SshKeyName, select your preferred SSH key pair.
Under File systems
For EfsFilesystemId, enter the file system ID from the EFS file system you created earlier in the tutorial.
For FSxLustreFilesystemId, enter the file system ID from the FSx for Lustre file system you created earlier in the tutorial.
For FSxLustreFilesystemMountName, enter the mount name for that same FSx for Lustre file system.
Choose Next, then choose Next again.
Choose Submit.
Monitor the status of the CloudFormation stack. When it reaches
the launch template is ready to be used.
To see all the resources the CloudFormation template created, open the AWS CloudFormation consolegetstarted-lt
stack and then choose the Resources tab.