Create security groups for AWS PCS - AWS PCS

Create security groups for AWS PCS

AWS PCS relies on security groups to manage network traffic into and out of a cluster and its compute node groups. For detailed information on this topic, see Security group requirements and considerations.

In this step, you will use an CloudFormation template to create two security groups.

  • A cluster security group, which enables communications between AWS PCS controller, compute nodes, and login nodes.

  • An inbound SSH security group, which you can optionally add to your login nodes to support SSH access

Create the security groups for AWS PCS

You can use a CloudFormation template to create the security groups. Use the following URL to download the CloudFormation template, then upload the template in the AWS CloudFormation console to create a new CloudFormation stack. For more information, see Using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

With the template open in the AWS CloudFormation console, enter the following options. Note that some options will be pre-populated in the template — you can simply leave them as the default values.

  • Under Provide a stack name

    • Under Stack name, enter:

  • Under Parameters

    • Under VpcId, choose the VPC where the name starts with hpc-networking.

    • (Optional) Under ClientIpCidr, enter a more restrictive IP range for the inbound SSH security group. We recommend that you restrict this with your own IP/subnet (x.x.x.x/32 for your own ip or x.x.x.x/24 for range. Replace x.x.x.x with your own PUBLIC IP. You can get your public IP using tools such as

Monitor the status of the CloudFormation stack. When it reaches CREATE_COMPLETE the security group resources are ready.

There are two security groups created, with the names:

  • cluster-getstarted-sg – this is the cluster security group

  • inbound-ssh-getstarted-sg – this is a security group to allow inbound SSH access