Create a VPC and subnets for AWS PCS - AWS PCS

Create a VPC and subnets for AWS PCS

You can create a VPC and subnets with a CloudFormation template. Use the following URL to download the CloudFormation template, then upload the template in the AWS CloudFormation console to create a new CloudFormation stack. For more information, see Using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

With the template open in the AWS CloudFormation console, enter the following options. You can use the default values provided in the template.

  • Under Provide a stack name:

    • Under Stack name, enter:

  • Under Parameters:

    • Under VPC:

      • Under CidrBlock, enter:
    • Under Subnets A:

      • Under CidrPublicSubnetA, enter:
      • Under CidrPrivateSubnetA, enter:
    • Under Subnets B:

      • Under CidrPublicSubnetB, enter:
      • Under CidrPrivateSubnetB, enter:
    • Under Subnets C:

      • For ProvisionSubnetsC, select True

      • Under CidrPublicSubnetC, enter:
      • Under CidrPrivateSubnetC, enter:
  • Under Capabilities:

    • Check the box for I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.

Monitor the status of the CloudFormation stack. When it reaches CREATE_COMPLETE, find the ID for the default security group in the new VPC. You use the ID later in the tutorial.

Find the default security group for the cluster VPC

To find the ID for the default security group in the new VPC, follow this procedure:

  • Navigate to the Amazon VPC console.

  • Under the VPC Dashboard, select Filter by VPC.

    • Choose the VPC where the name starts with hpc-networking.

    • Under Security, choose Security groups.

  • Find the Security group ID for the group named default. It has the description default VPC security group. You use the ID later to configure EC2 launch templates.