Delete your AWS resources for AWS PCS - AWS PCS

Delete your AWS resources for AWS PCS

After you are done with the cluster and node groups that you created for this tutorial, you should delete the resources that you created.


You get billing charges for all resources running in your AWS account

To delete AWS PCS resources that you created for this tutorial
  • Open the AWS PCS console.

  • Navigate to the cluster named get-started.

  • Navigate to the Queues section.

  • Select the queue named demo.

  • Choose Delete.


    Wait until the queue has been deleted before proceeding.

  • Navigate to the Compute node groups section.

  • Select the compute node group named compute-1.

  • Choose Delete.

  • Select the compute node group named login.

  • Choose Delete.


    Wait until both compute node groups have been deleted before proceeding.

  • In the cluster detail page for get-started, choose Delete.


    Wait until the cluster has been deleted before proceeding with subsequent steps.

To delete other AWS resources you created for this tutorial
  • Open the IAM console.

    • Choose Roles.

    • Select the role named AWSPCS-getstarted-role then choose Delete.

    • After the role has been deleted, choose Policies.

    • Select the policy named AWSPCS-getstarted-policy then choose Delete.

  • Open the AWS CloudFormation console.

    • Select the stack named getstarted-lt.

    • Choose Delete.


      Wait for the stack to delete before proceeding.

  • Open the Amazon EFS console.

    • Choose File systems.

    • Select the file system named getstarted-efs.

    • Choose Delete.


      Wait for the file system to delete before proceeding.

  • Open the Amazon FSx console.

    • Choose File systems.

    • Select the file system named getstarted-fsx.

    • Choose Delete.


      Wait for the file system to delete before proceeding.

  • Open the AWS CloudFormation console.

    • Select the stack named getstarted-sg.

    • Choose Delete.

  • Open the AWS CloudFormation console.

    • Select the stack named hpc-networking.

    • Choose Delete.