Guidelines and requirements - Amazon Personalize

Guidelines and requirements

When creating a filter expression, note the following guidelines and requirements:

  • You can't use filters to include or exclude items based on unstructured textual item metadata such as product descriptions.

  • If you are filtering based on item or action interactions data, you can only filter based on event type. You can't filter based on other interaction metadata, such as contextual metadata.

  • Amazon Personalize ignores case only when matching event types.

  • You can't use Item Interaction and Item datasets in one expression. To create a filter that filters by Interaction and then Item datasets (or the opposite), you must chain two or more expressions together. For more information, see Combining multiple expressions.

  • You can't use Item interaction and Action datasets in one expression. To create a filter that filters by Item interaction and then Action datasets (or the opposite), you must chain two or more expressions together. For more information, see Combining multiple expressions.

  • You can't use item interactions filters with the Item-Attribute-Affinity recipe.

  • You can't create filter expressions that filter using values with a boolean type in your schema. To filter based on boolean values, use a schema with a field of type String and use the values "True" and "False" in your data. Or you can use type int or long and values 0 and 1.

  • The maximum number of distinct dataset fields for a filter, either in one expression or across multiple expressions chained together, is 5. The maximum number of distinct dataset fields across all filters in a dataset group is 10.

  • You can apply a filter with the CurrentItem element only if your domain use case or custom recipe generates related items recommendations, such as the Similar-Items recipe or the More Like X domain use case.

  • You can't use placeholder parameters in a filter expression that uses the NOT_IN operator. Instead, use the IN operator and use the opposite Action. For example, use Include instead of Exclude (or the reverse).

  • You can't create filters that filter based on Action expiration timestamp and Repeat frequency data. Amazon Personalize automatically filters action recommendations based on this data.