Schema sample: JourneyResponse object - Amazon Pinpoint

Schema sample: JourneyResponse object

When you retrieve information about a journey by sending a GET request to the Journey or Journeys resource, Amazon Pinpoint returns a JourneyResponse object. This object provides information about the status, configuration, and other settings for a journey. It also provides information about all the activities in a journey and the relationships between those activities. This information is stored in an Activities object.

An Activities object is a map that contains a set of Activity objects. It contains one Activity object for each activity in a journey. For each Activity object in the map, the key is the unique identifier for an activity and the value is one or more settings for the activity. By using an activity’s unique identifier in combination with the NextActivity property, you can trace the relationships between activities in a journey.

The following sample of a JourneyResponse object includes example data that shows the structure of an Activities object. It also shows the structure of individual Activity objects that the Activities object contains. In this sample, the journey has eight activities in addition to the start activity. It has: four email (EMAIL) activities; one wait (Wait) activity; one yes/no split (ConditionalSplit) activity; one multivariate split (MultiCondition) activity; and, one random split (RandomSplit) activity.

The Activity object for each of these activities specifies the settings for the activity. For example, the first activity in the Activities object has the following characteristics and settings:

  • The unique identifier is Viv6yKziaa.

  • The activity is an email (EMAIL) activity.

  • The activity sends an email message from the address.

  • The activity sends an email message that uses a template named Welcome_New_Subscribers.

  • When participants complete the activity, they move to the multivariate split (MultiCondition) activity whose unique identifier is 1tvNWcuvXK, as specified by the NextActivity property of the email activity.

Other types of activities specify settings that apply to that type of activity. For example, the multivariate split (MultiCondition) activity in this sample specifies two paths—participants in the activity are sent down one of the two paths based on a segment condition. Similarly, the random split (RandomSplit) activity in this sample specifies two paths—50% of randomly selected participants are sent down one path and 50% of randomly selected participants are sent down the other path.

Sample JourneyResponse object

{ "Name" : "Example Corp New Subscriber Journey", "Schedule" : { "Timezone" : "UTC-08" }, "StartCondition" : { "SegmentStartCondition" : { "SegmentId" : "50a12f64634ca8e71e92005b9example" } }, "StartActivity" : "0roHkysnX3", "Activities" : { "Viv6yKziaa" : { "EMAIL" : { "MessageConfig" : { "FromAddress" : "" }, "NextActivity" : "1tvNWcuvXK", "TemplateName" : "Welcome_New_Subscribers" } }, "0roHkysnX3" : { "EMAIL" : { "MessageConfig" : { "FromAddress" : "" }, "NextActivity" : "p1gOHvWOhc" } }, "12LUtDeRst" : { "Wait" : { "NextActivity" : "Viv6yKziaa" } }, "p1gOHvWOhc" : { "ConditionalSplit" : { "Condition" : { "Conditions" : [ { } ], "Operator" : "ANY" }, "TrueActivity" : "12LUtDeRst", "FalseActivity" : "3l1znWgu9N" } }, "1tvNWcuvXK" : { "MultiCondition" : { "Branches" : [ { "Condition" : { "SegmentCondition" : { "SegmentId" : "42d8c7eb0990a57ba1d5476a3example" } }, "NextActivity" : "nMvVg72WFd" }, { "NextActivity" : "HSGfxJ6itl" }, { } ] } }, "nMvVg72WFd" : { "EMAIL" : { } }, "HSGfxJ6itl" : { "EMAIL" : { } }, "3l1znWgu9N" : { "RandomSplit" : { "Branches" : [ { "Percentage" : 50 }, { "Percentage" : 50 } ] } } }, "LocalTime" : false, "CreationDate" : "2020-01-15T16:00:46.223Z", "LastModifiedDate" : "2020-01-20T17:17:37.149Z", "State" : "DRAFT", "Id" : "80b8efd84042ff8d9c96ce2f8example", "ApplicationId" : "810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example" }