Resilient architecture overview - Amazon Pinpoint

Resilient architecture overview

This chapter contains introductory information related to the development of resilient, high availability architectures. It includes terms, concepts, and best practices.

Is a resilient, multi-Region architecture necessary for your use case?

AWS was designed to help you achieve your system availability goals. Even if you only deploy services in a single AWS Region, those services are distributed across several Availability Zones in that Region. The result is high availability, geographical redundancy, and fault tolerance.

For critical use cases, consider using a resilient, multi-Region architecture. The primary benefit of using a multi-Region architecture is that it protects you against disruptions that impact an entire AWS Region. However, deploying this type of architecture requires you to make deeper investments in building your applications and regularly testing your failover capabilities. Weigh these benefits and drawbacks carefully against the criticality of your use case.

For more information about AWS Regions and Availability Zones, see Regions and Availability Zones on the AWS Global Infrastructure website.

High availability concepts

This guide uses several terms to describe common concepts in high availability architecture:

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

The maximum acceptable delay between service interruption and service restoration. RTO determines what is considered an acceptable amount of time for the service to be unavailable.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

The maximum acceptable time since the last data recovery point. RPO determines what is considered an acceptable loss of data between the last recovery point and the service outage.

Warm standby

A high availability architecture in which a fully functional environment is always running in a secondary AWS Region. Business-critical systems are fully duplicated and are always on. If the primary Region becomes unavailable, you can use services such as Amazon RouteĀ 53 or AWS Global Accelerator to route all user traffic to the standby Region. The RPO for this architecture is typically measured in seconds, and the RTO is typically measured in minutes.


A high availability architecture in which a workload is deployed in and actively serves traffic from multiple AWS Regions. An active-active design requires you to synchronize users and data between the Regions that you use. If one Region becomes unavailable, you can use services such as Amazon RouteĀ 53 or AWS Global Accelerator to route all user traffic to the other Region. The RPO and RTO for this type of architecture are measured in seconds.

There are other high availability architecture strategies that aren't described here, such as pilot light and backup and restore. However, these strategies aren't preferable for architectures that use Amazon Pinpoint. For that reason, this guide focuses on warm standby and active-active architectures.

When to fail over to another AWS Region

Several factors could cause your architecture to fail over to a different AWS Region. For example, a Regional outage could prevent you from accessing the Amazon Pinpoint console, or from accessing its API operations. You could also configure your architecture to fail over when your messages are being sent but aren't receiving event notifications (or the number of event notifications is unexpectedly low).

In certain situations, failing over won't provide any benefit. For example, if you send SMS messages, and a specific mobile carrier is having an outage, then delivery issues will persist, regardless of which AWS Region you use. The same is true for email: if an email provider has a temporary issue that prevents the delivery of email to its domain, that issue will persist across Regions.