Send SMS messages - Amazon Pinpoint

Send SMS messages

You can use the Amazon Pinpoint API to send SMS messages (text messages) to specific phone numbers or endpoint IDs. This section contains complete code examples that you can use to send SMS messages through the Amazon Pinpoint API by using an AWS SDK. Your account has to be in production and you have an active origination identity that can send SMS messages.

For more code examples on endpoints, segments, and channels see Code examples.


Use this example to send an SMS message by using the AWS SDK for .NET. This example assumes that you've already installed and configured the AWS SDK for .NET. For more information, see Getting started in the AWS SDK for .NET Developer Guide.

This example assumes that you're using a shared credentials file to specify the Access Key and Secret Access Key for an existing IAM user. For more information, see Configuring AWS credentials in the AWS SDK for .NET Developer Guide.

using Amazon; using Amazon.Pinpoint; using Amazon.Pinpoint.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; namespace SendSmsMessage; public class SendSmsMessageMainClass { public static async Task Main(string[] args) { var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load test settings from .json file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally load local settings. .Build(); // The AWS Region that you want to use to send the message. For a list of // AWS Regions where the Amazon Pinpoint API is available, see // string region = "us-east-1"; // The phone number or short code to send the message from. The phone number // or short code that you specify has to be associated with your Amazon Pinpoint // account. For best results, specify long codes in E.164 format. string originationNumber = configuration["OriginationNumber"]!; // The recipient's phone number. For best results, you should specify the // phone number in E.164 format. string destinationNumber = configuration["DestinationNumber"]!; // The Pinpoint project/ application ID to use when you send this message. // Make sure that the SMS channel is enabled for the project or application // that you choose. string appId = configuration["AppId"]!; // The type of SMS message that you want to send. If you plan to send // time-sensitive content, specify TRANSACTIONAL. If you plan to send // marketing-related content, specify PROMOTIONAL. MessageType messageType = MessageType.TRANSACTIONAL; // The registered keyword associated with the originating short code. string? registeredKeyword = configuration["RegisteredKeyword"]; // The sender ID to use when sending the message. Support for sender ID // varies by country or region. For more information, see // string? senderId = configuration["SenderId"]; try { var response = await SendSmsMessage(region, appId, destinationNumber, originationNumber, registeredKeyword, senderId, messageType); Console.WriteLine($"Message sent to {response.MessageResponse.Result.Count} recipient(s)."); foreach (var messageResultValue in response.MessageResponse.Result.Select(r => r.Value)) { Console.WriteLine($"{messageResultValue.MessageId} Status: {messageResultValue.DeliveryStatus}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("The message wasn't sent. Error message: " + ex.Message); } } public static async Task<SendMessagesResponse> SendSmsMessage( string region, string appId, string destinationNumber, string originationNumber, string? keyword, string? senderId, MessageType messageType) { // The content of the SMS message. string message = "This message was sent through Amazon Pinpoint using" + " the AWS SDK for .NET. Reply STOP to opt out."; var client = new AmazonPinpointClient(RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(region)); SendMessagesRequest sendRequest = new SendMessagesRequest { ApplicationId = appId, MessageRequest = new MessageRequest { Addresses = new Dictionary<string, AddressConfiguration> { { destinationNumber, new AddressConfiguration { ChannelType = ChannelType.SMS } } }, MessageConfiguration = new DirectMessageConfiguration { SMSMessage = new SMSMessage { Body = message, MessageType = MessageType.TRANSACTIONAL, OriginationNumber = originationNumber, SenderId = senderId, Keyword = keyword } } } }; SendMessagesResponse response = await client.SendMessagesAsync(sendRequest); return response; } }

Use this example to send an SMS message by using the AWS SDK for Java. This example assumes that you've already installed and configured the SDK for Java. For more information, see Getting started in the AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide.

This example assumes that you're using a shared credentials file to specify the Access Key and Secret Access Key for an existing IAM user. For more information, see Set default credentials and Region in the AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map;
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * */ public class SendMessage { // The type of SMS message that you want to send. If you plan to send // time-sensitive content, specify TRANSACTIONAL. If you plan to send // marketing-related content, specify PROMOTIONAL. public static String messageType = "TRANSACTIONAL"; // The registered keyword associated with the originating short code. public static String registeredKeyword = "myKeyword"; // The sender ID to use when sending the message. Support for sender ID // varies by country or region. For more information, see // public static String senderId = "MySenderID"; public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = """ Usage: <message> <appId> <originationNumber> <destinationNumber>\s Where: message - The body of the message to send. appId - The Amazon Pinpoint project/application ID to use when you send this message. originationNumber - The phone number or short code that you specify has to be associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account. For best results, specify long codes in E.164 format (for example, +1-555-555-5654). destinationNumber - The recipient's phone number. For best results, you should specify the phone number in E.164 format (for example, +1-555-555-5654).\s """; if (args.length != 4) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String message = args[0]; String appId = args[1]; String originationNumber = args[2]; String destinationNumber = args[3]; System.out.println("Sending a message"); PinpointClient pinpoint = PinpointClient.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .build(); sendSMSMessage(pinpoint, message, appId, originationNumber, destinationNumber); pinpoint.close(); } public static void sendSMSMessage(PinpointClient pinpoint, String message, String appId, String originationNumber, String destinationNumber) { try { Map<String, AddressConfiguration> addressMap = new HashMap<String, AddressConfiguration>(); AddressConfiguration addConfig = AddressConfiguration.builder() .channelType(ChannelType.SMS) .build(); addressMap.put(destinationNumber, addConfig); SMSMessage smsMessage = SMSMessage.builder() .body(message) .messageType(messageType) .originationNumber(originationNumber) .senderId(senderId) .keyword(registeredKeyword) .build(); // Create a DirectMessageConfiguration object. DirectMessageConfiguration direct = DirectMessageConfiguration.builder() .smsMessage(smsMessage) .build(); MessageRequest msgReq = MessageRequest.builder() .addresses(addressMap) .messageConfiguration(direct) .build(); // create a SendMessagesRequest object SendMessagesRequest request = SendMessagesRequest.builder() .applicationId(appId) .messageRequest(msgReq) .build(); SendMessagesResponse response = pinpoint.sendMessages(request); MessageResponse msg1 = response.messageResponse(); Map map1 = msg1.result(); // Write out the result of sendMessage. map1.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println((k + ":" + v))); } catch (PinpointException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }

For the full SDK example, see on GitHub.

JavaScript (Node.js)

Use this example to send an SMS message by using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js. This example assumes that you've already installed and configured the SDK for JavaScript in Node.js. For more information, see Getting started in the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js Developer Guide.

This example assumes that you're using a shared credentials file to specify the Access Key and Secret Access Key for an existing IAM user. For more information, see Setting credentials in the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js Developer Guide.

"use strict"; var AWS = require("aws-sdk"); // The AWS Region that you want to use to send the message. For a list of // AWS Regions where the Amazon Pinpoint API is available, see // var aws_region = "us-east-1"; // The phone number or short code to send the message from. The phone number // or short code that you specify has to be associated with your Amazon Pinpoint // account. For best results, specify long codes in E.164 format. var originationNumber = "+12065550199"; // The recipient's phone number. For best results, you should specify the // phone number in E.164 format. var destinationNumber = "+14255550142"; // The content of the SMS message. var message = "This message was sent through Amazon Pinpoint " + "using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js. Reply STOP to " + "opt out."; // The Amazon Pinpoint project/application ID to use when you send this message. // Make sure that the SMS channel is enabled for the project or application // that you choose. var applicationId = "ce796be37f32f178af652b26eexample"; // The type of SMS message that you want to send. If you plan to send // time-sensitive content, specify TRANSACTIONAL. If you plan to send // marketing-related content, specify PROMOTIONAL. var messageType = "TRANSACTIONAL"; // The registered keyword associated with the originating short code. var registeredKeyword = "myKeyword"; // The sender ID to use when sending the message. Support for sender ID // varies by country or region. For more information, see // var senderId = "MySenderID"; // Specify that you're using a shared credentials file, and optionally specify // the profile that you want to use. var credentials = new AWS.SharedIniFileCredentials({ profile: "default" }); AWS.config.credentials = credentials; // Specify the region. AWS.config.update({ region: aws_region }); //Create a new Pinpoint object. var pinpoint = new AWS.Pinpoint(); // Specify the parameters to pass to the API. var params = { ApplicationId: applicationId, MessageRequest: { Addresses: { [destinationNumber]: { ChannelType: "SMS", }, }, MessageConfiguration: { SMSMessage: { Body: message, Keyword: registeredKeyword, MessageType: messageType, OriginationNumber: originationNumber, SenderId: senderId, }, }, }, }; //Try to send the message. pinpoint.sendMessages(params, function (err, data) { // If something goes wrong, print an error message. if (err) { console.log(err.message); // Otherwise, show the unique ID for the message. } else { console.log( "Message sent! " + data["MessageResponse"]["Result"][destinationNumber]["StatusMessage"] ); } });

Use this example to send an SMS message by using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3). This example assumes that you've already installed and configured the SDK for Python. For more information, see Quickstart in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) Getting Started.

import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def send_sms_message( pinpoint_client, app_id, origination_number, destination_number, message, message_type, ): """ Sends an SMS message with Amazon Pinpoint. :param pinpoint_client: A Boto3 Pinpoint client. :param app_id: The Amazon Pinpoint project/application ID to use when you send this message. The SMS channel must be enabled for the project or application. :param destination_number: The recipient's phone number in E.164 format. :param origination_number: The phone number to send the message from. This phone number must be associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account and be in E.164 format. :param message: The content of the SMS message. :param message_type: The type of SMS message that you want to send. If you send time-sensitive content, specify TRANSACTIONAL. If you send marketing-related content, specify PROMOTIONAL. :return: The ID of the message. """ try: response = pinpoint_client.send_messages( ApplicationId=app_id, MessageRequest={ "Addresses": {destination_number: {"ChannelType": "SMS"}}, "MessageConfiguration": { "SMSMessage": { "Body": message, "MessageType": message_type, "OriginationNumber": origination_number, } }, }, ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't send message.") raise else: return response["MessageResponse"]["Result"][destination_number]["MessageId"] def main(): app_id = "ce796be37f32f178af652b26eexample" origination_number = "+12065550199" destination_number = "+14255550142" message = ( "This is a sample message sent from Amazon Pinpoint by using the AWS SDK for " "Python (Boto 3)." ) message_type = "TRANSACTIONAL" print("Sending SMS message.") message_id = send_sms_message( boto3.client("pinpoint"), app_id, origination_number, destination_number, message, message_type, ) print(f"Message sent! Message ID: {message_id}.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()

You can also use message templates to send SMS messages, as shown in the following example:

import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def send_templated_sms_message( pinpoint_client, project_id, destination_number, message_type, origination_number, template_name, template_version, ): """ Sends an SMS message to a specific phone number using a pre-defined template. :param pinpoint_client: A Boto3 Pinpoint client. :param project_id: An Amazon Pinpoint project (application) ID. :param destination_number: The phone number to send the message to. :param message_type: The type of SMS message (promotional or transactional). :param origination_number: The phone number that the message is sent from. :param template_name: The name of the SMS template to use when sending the message. :param template_version: The version number of the message template. :return The ID of the message. """ try: response = pinpoint_client.send_messages( ApplicationId=project_id, MessageRequest={ "Addresses": {destination_number: {"ChannelType": "SMS"}}, "MessageConfiguration": { "SMSMessage": { "MessageType": message_type, "OriginationNumber": origination_number, } }, "TemplateConfiguration": { "SMSTemplate": {"Name": template_name, "Version": template_version} }, }, ) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't send message.") raise else: return response["MessageResponse"]["Result"][destination_number]["MessageId"] def main(): region = "us-east-1" origination_number = "+18555550001" destination_number = "+14255550142" project_id = "7353f53e6885409fa32d07cedexample" message_type = "TRANSACTIONAL" template_name = "My_SMS_Template" template_version = "1" message_id = send_templated_sms_message( boto3.client("pinpoint", region_name=region), project_id, destination_number, message_type, origination_number, template_name, template_version, ) print(f"Message sent! Message ID: {message_id}.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()

These examples assume that you're using a shared credentials file to specify the Access Key and Secret Access Key for an existing IAM user. For more information, see Credentials in the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.