Generate one-time passwords (OTPs) with Amazon Pinpoint - Amazon Pinpoint

Generate one-time passwords (OTPs) with Amazon Pinpoint

Amazon Pinpoint includes a one-time password (OTP) management feature that you can use to generate new one-time passwords and send them to your recipients as SMS messages.


To use this feature, your account must have production access and an active origination identity. For more information, see About the SMS/MMS and Voice sandbox and Request a phone number in the AWS End User Messaging SMS User Guide.

In some countries and Regions, you must obtain a dedicated phone number or origination ID before you can send SMS messages. For example, when you send messages to the recipients in the United States, you must have a dedicated toll-free number, 10DLC number, or short code. When you send messages to recipients in India, you must have a registered sender ID, which includes a Principal Entity ID (PEID) and a Template ID. These requirements still apply when you use the OTP feature.

To use this feature you need permissions to send and verify OTP messages, see One-time passwords. If you need help determining permissions, see Troubleshooting Amazon Pinpoint identity and access management.

You can use the SendOtpMessages operation in the Amazon Pinpoint API to send an OTP code to a user of your application. When you use this API, Amazon Pinpoint generates a random code and sends it to your user as an SMS message. Your request can include the following parameters:

  • Channel – The communication channel that the OTP code is sent through. Currently, only SMS messages are supported, so the only acceptable value is SMS.

  • BrandName – The name of the brand, company, or product that is associated with the OTP code. This name can contain up to 20 characters.


    When Amazon Pinpoint sends the OTP message, the brand name is automatically inserted into the following message template:

    This is your One Time Password: {{otp}} from {{brand}}

    So, if you specify ExampleCorp as your brand name, and Amazon Pinpoint generates a one-time password of 123456, it sends the following message to your user:

    This is your One Time Password: 123456 from ExampleCorp
  • CodeLength – The number of digits that will be in the OTP code that's sent to the recipient. OTP codes can contain between 5 and 8 digits, inclusive.

  • ValidityPeriod – The amount of time, in minutes, that the OTP code will be valid. The validity period can be between 5 and 60 minutes, inclusive.

  • AllowedAttempts – The number of times the recipient can unsuccessfully attempt to verify the OTP. If the number of attempts exceeds this value, the OTP automatically becomes invalid. The maximum number of allowed attempts is 5.

  • Language – The language, in IETF BCP-47 format, to use when sending the message. Acceptable values are:

    • de-DE – German

    • en-GB – English (UK)

    • en-US – English (US)

    • es-419 – Spanish (Latin America)

    • es-ES – Spanish

    • fr-CA – French (Canada)

    • fr-FR – French

    • it-IT – Italian

    • ja-JP – Japanese

    • ko-KR – Korean

    • pt-BR – Portuguese (Brazil)

    • zh-CN – Chinese (Simplified)

    • zh-TW – Chinese (Traditional)

  • OriginationIdentity – The originating identity (such as a long code, short code, or sender ID) that is used to send the OTP code. If you use a long code or toll-free number to send the OTP, the phone number must be in E.164 format.

  • DestinationIdentity – The phone number, in E.164 format, that the OTP code was sent to.

  • ReferenceId – A unique reference ID for the request. The reference ID exactly match the reference ID that you provide when you verify the OTP. The reference ID can contain between 1 and 48 characters, inclusive.

  • EntityId – An Entity ID that is registered with a regulatory agency. This parameter is currently only used when sending messages to recipients in India. If you aren't sending to recipients in India, you can omit this parameter.

  • TemplateId – A Template ID that is registered with a regulatory agency. This parameter is currently only used when sending messages to recipients in India. If you aren't sending to recipients in India, you can omit this parameter.


    For more information about the requirements for sending messages to recipients in India, see India sender ID registration process in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

To ensure that your Amazon Pinpoint account is properly configured to send OTP messages, you can use the AWS CLI to send a test message. For more information about the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

To send a test OTP message using the AWS CLI, run the send-otp-message command in the terminal:

aws pinpoint send-otp-message --application-id 7353f53e6885409fa32d07cedexample --send-otp-message-request-parameters Channel=SMS,BrandName=ExampleCorp,CodeLength=5,ValidityPeriod=20,AllowedAttempts=5,OriginationIdentity=+18555550142,DestinationIdentity=+12065550007,ReferenceId=SampleReferenceId

In the preceding command, do the following:

  • Replace 7353f53e6885409fa32d07cedexample with your application id.

  • Replace ExampleCorp with the name of your company.

  • Replace 5 in CodeLegth with the number of digits that will be in the OTP code that's sent to the recipient.

  • Replace 20 in ValidityPeriod with amount of time, in minutes, that the OTP code will be valid.

  • Replace 5 in AllowedAttempts with the number of times the recipient can unsuccessfully attempt to verify the OTP.

  • Replace +18555550142 in OriginationIdentity with the originating identity that is used to send the OTP code.

  • Replace +12065550007 in DestinationIdentity with the phone number to send the OTP code to.

  • Replace SampleReferenceId in ReferenceId with a unique reference ID for the request.

SendOtpMessage response

When you successfully send an OTP message, you receive a response that resembles the following example:

{ "MessageResponse": { "ApplicationId": "7353f53e6885409fa32d07cedexample", "RequestId": "255d15ea-75fe-4040-b919-096f2example", "Result": { "+12065550007": { "DeliveryStatus": "SUCCESSFUL", "MessageId": "nvrmgq9kq4en96qgp0tlqli3og1at6aexample", "StatusCode": 200, "StatusMessage": "MessageId: nvrmgq9kq4en96qgp0tlqli3og1at6aexample" } } } }