Adding a tag to a template - Amazon Pinpoint

Adding a tag to a template

A tag is a label that you can define and associate with AWS resources, including certain types of Amazon Pinpoint resources.

Adding a tag to a template can help you categorize and manage templates in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. You can use tags to quickly find existing templates, or to control which users can access specific templates. You can add at most 50 key-value pairs, with each key being unique.

To add a tag
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Message templates.

  3. On the Message templates page, choose the template that you want to add a tag to.

  4. Under Tags, choose Manage tags.

  5. Choose Add new tag.

  6. Enter the tag key and value pair that you want to add.

  7. (Optional) To add additional tags, choose Add new tag.

  8. When you finish, choose Save tags.