Amazon Pinpoint metrics that are exported to CloudWatch - Amazon Pinpoint

Amazon Pinpoint metrics that are exported to CloudWatch

The following topics describe the metrics that Amazon Pinpoint exports to CloudWatch.

Metrics related to message delivery

Metric Description


The number of messages that weren't sent because of a permanent issue.

This type of issue usually occurs when an endpoint is expired or invalid. When this type of issue occurs, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't attempt to redeliver the message.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel


The number of direct messages that failed to send because of a temporary issue.

This type of issue usually indicates that an internal issue with the Amazon Pinpoint service prevented the message from being sent. When this type of issue occurs, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't attempt to redeliver the message.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel


The number of campaign messages that weren't sent because of a permanent issue.

This type of issue usually occurs when an endpoint token is expired or invalid.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel


The number of messages that a campaign attempted to send, but that weren't sent because of a temporary issue.

This type of issue usually indicates that an internal issue with the Amazon Pinpoint service prevented the message from being sent. When this type of issue occurs, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't attempt to redeliver the message.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel


The number of direct messages that weren't sent because your account's ability to send messages was throttled.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel


The number of campaign messages that weren't sent because your account's ability to send messages was throttled.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel


The amount of time, in seconds, that passed between the time when the campaign started running and the time when it finished running.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, Channel

Metrics related to endpoints

Metric Description


The number of endpoint registrations submitted through an AWS SDK or the Amazon Pinpoint API that couldn't be imported.

This type of issue usually occurs when an incoming endpoint record is invalid.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId

Metrics related to import jobs

Metric Description


The number of endpoints in an import job that couldn't be imported because they were invalid.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The number of import jobs that couldn't be completed for any reason.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The amount of time, in seconds, that elapsed between the beginning and the end of each import job.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId

Metrics related to one-time passwords

Metric Description


The number of One-Time Password (OTP) verification requests that succeeded.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The total number of attempts to verify an OTP.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The total number of OTP verification requests that failed.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The total number of OTP verification requests that failed on the final attempt.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId

Metrics related to events

Metric Description


The total number of events that Amazon Pinpoint recorded. This metric includes events that were recorded by AWS SDKs or by the Amazon Pinpoint API.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The total number of events that were successfully written to the event stream for exporting.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId


The total number of errors that occurred after writing to the event stream. These errors can include issues that aren't related to Amazon Pinpoint.

For example, this error could occur when the volume of events that you stream to Firehose exceeds your provisioned throughput.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ApplicationId, ErrorCode