AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-APSAppBlockBuilderAppBlock Calls the Amazon AppStream AssociateAppBlockBuilderAppBlock API operation.
Add-APSApplicationToEntitlement Calls the Amazon AppStream AssociateApplicationToEntitlement API operation.
Add-APSResourceTag Calls the Amazon AppStream TagResource API operation.
Copy-APSImage Calls the Amazon AppStream CopyImage API operation.
Disable-APSUser Calls the Amazon AppStream DisableUser API operation.
Enable-APSUser Calls the Amazon AppStream EnableUser API operation.
Get-APSAppBlock Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeAppBlocks API operation.
Get-APSAppBlockBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeAppBlockBuilders API operation.
Get-APSAppBlockBuilderAppBlockAssociation Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeAppBlockBuilderAppBlockAssociations API operation.
Get-APSApplication Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeApplications API operation.
Get-APSApplicationFleetAssociation Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeApplicationFleetAssociations API operation.
Get-APSAssociatedFleetList Calls the Amazon AppStream ListAssociatedFleets API operation.
Get-APSAssociatedStackList Calls the Amazon AppStream ListAssociatedStacks API operation.
Get-APSDirectoryConfigList Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeDirectoryConfigs API operation.
Get-APSEntitledApplicationList Calls the Amazon AppStream ListEntitledApplications API operation.
Get-APSEntitlement Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeEntitlements API operation.
Get-APSFleetList Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeFleets API operation.
Get-APSImageBuilderList Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeImageBuilders API operation.
Get-APSImageList Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeImages API operation.
Get-APSImagePermission Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeImagePermissions API operation.
Get-APSSessionList Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeSessions API operation.
Get-APSStackList Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeStacks API operation.
Get-APSTagsForResourceList Calls the Amazon AppStream ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-APSThemeForStack Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeThemeForStack API operation.
Get-APSUsageReportSubscription Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeUsageReportSubscriptions API operation.
Get-APSUser Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeUsers API operation.
Get-APSUserStackAssociation Calls the Amazon AppStream DescribeUserStackAssociations API operation.
New-APSAppBlock Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateAppBlock API operation.
New-APSAppBlockBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateAppBlockBuilder API operation.
New-APSAppBlockBuilderStreamingURL Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateAppBlockBuilderStreamingURL API operation.
New-APSApplication Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateApplication API operation.
New-APSDirectoryConfig Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateDirectoryConfig API operation.
New-APSEntitlement Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateEntitlement API operation.
New-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateFleet API operation.
New-APSImageBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateImageBuilder API operation.
New-APSImageBuilderStreamingURL Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateImageBuilderStreamingURL API operation.
New-APSStack Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateStack API operation.
New-APSStreamingURL Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateStreamingURL API operation.
New-APSThemeForStack Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateThemeForStack API operation.
New-APSUpdatedImage Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateUpdatedImage API operation.
New-APSUsageReportSubscription Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateUsageReportSubscription API operation.
New-APSUser Calls the Amazon AppStream CreateUser API operation.
Register-APSApplicationFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream AssociateApplicationFleet API operation.
Register-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream AssociateFleet API operation.
Register-APSUserStackBatch Calls the Amazon AppStream BatchAssociateUserStack API operation.
Remove-APSAppBlock Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteAppBlock API operation.
Remove-APSAppBlockBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteAppBlockBuilder API operation.
Remove-APSAppBlockBuilderAppBlock Calls the Amazon AppStream DisassociateAppBlockBuilderAppBlock API operation.
Remove-APSApplication Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteApplication API operation.
Remove-APSApplicationFromEntitlement Calls the Amazon AppStream DisassociateApplicationFromEntitlement API operation.
Remove-APSDirectoryConfig Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteDirectoryConfig API operation.
Remove-APSEntitlement Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteEntitlement API operation.
Remove-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteFleet API operation.
Remove-APSImage Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteImage API operation.
Remove-APSImageBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteImageBuilder API operation.
Remove-APSImagePermission Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteImagePermissions API operation.
Remove-APSResourceTag Calls the Amazon AppStream UntagResource API operation.
Remove-APSStack Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteStack API operation.
Remove-APSThemeForStack Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteThemeForStack API operation.
Remove-APSUsageReportSubscription Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteUsageReportSubscription API operation.
Remove-APSUser Calls the Amazon AppStream DeleteUser API operation.
Revoke-APSSession Calls the Amazon AppStream ExpireSession API operation.
Start-APSAppBlockBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream StartAppBlockBuilder API operation.
Start-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream StartFleet API operation.
Start-APSImageBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream StartImageBuilder API operation.
Stop-APSAppBlockBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream StopAppBlockBuilder API operation.
Stop-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream StopFleet API operation.
Stop-APSImageBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream StopImageBuilder API operation.
Unregister-APSApplicationFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream DisassociateApplicationFleet API operation.
Unregister-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream DisassociateFleet API operation.
Unregister-APSUserStackBatch Calls the Amazon AppStream BatchDisassociateUserStack API operation.
Update-APSAppBlockBuilder Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateAppBlockBuilder API operation.
Update-APSApplication Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateApplication API operation.
Update-APSDirectoryConfig Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateDirectoryConfig API operation.
Update-APSEntitlement Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateEntitlement API operation.
Update-APSFleet Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateFleet API operation.
Update-APSImagePermission Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateImagePermissions API operation.
Update-APSStack Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateStack API operation.
Update-APSThemeForStack Calls the Amazon AppStream UpdateThemeForStack API operation.