AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-MLResourceTag Calls the Amazon Machine Learning AddTags API operation.
Get-MLBatchPrediction Calls the Amazon Machine Learning GetBatchPrediction API operation.
Get-MLBatchPredictionList Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeBatchPredictions API operation.
Get-MLDataSource Calls the Amazon Machine Learning GetDataSource API operation.
Get-MLDataSourceList Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeDataSources API operation.
Get-MLEvaluation Calls the Amazon Machine Learning GetEvaluation API operation.
Get-MLEvaluationList Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeEvaluations API operation.
Get-MLModel Calls the Amazon Machine Learning GetMLModel API operation.
Get-MLModelList Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeMLModels API operation.
Get-MLPrediction Calls the Amazon Machine Learning Predict API operation.
Get-MLResourceTag Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeTags API operation.
New-MLBatchPrediction Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateBatchPrediction API operation.
New-MLDataSourceFromRDS Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateDataSourceFromRDS API operation.
New-MLDataSourceFromRedshift Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateDataSourceFromRedshift API operation.
New-MLDataSourceFromS3 Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateDataSourceFromS3 API operation.
New-MLEvaluation Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateEvaluation API operation.
New-MLModel Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateMLModel API operation.
New-MLRealtimeEndpoint Calls the Amazon Machine Learning CreateRealtimeEndpoint API operation.
Remove-MLBatchPrediction Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteBatchPrediction API operation.
Remove-MLDataSource Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteDataSource API operation.
Remove-MLEvaluation Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteEvaluation API operation.
Remove-MLModel Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteMLModel API operation.
Remove-MLRealtimeEndpoint Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteRealtimeEndpoint API operation.
Remove-MLResourceTag Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteTags API operation.
Update-MLBatchPrediction Calls the Amazon Machine Learning UpdateBatchPrediction API operation.
Update-MLDataSource Calls the Amazon Machine Learning UpdateDataSource API operation.
Update-MLEvaluation Calls the Amazon Machine Learning UpdateEvaluation API operation.
Update-MLMLModel Calls the Amazon Machine Learning UpdateMLModel API operation.


Name Description
Add-MLTag Calls the Amazon Machine Learning AddTags API operation.
Get-MLBatchPredictions Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeBatchPredictions API operation.
Get-MLDataSources Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeDataSources API operation.
Get-MLEvaluations Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeEvaluations API operation.
Get-MLModels Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeMLModels API operation.
Get-MLTag Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DescribeTags API operation.
Remove-MLTag Calls the Amazon Machine Learning DeleteTags API operation.