AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-PINResourceTag Calls the Amazon Pinpoint TagResource API operation.
Confirm-PINOTPMessage Calls the Amazon Pinpoint VerifyOTPMessage API operation.
Confirm-PINPhoneNumber Calls the Amazon Pinpoint PhoneNumberValidate API operation.
Get-PINAdmChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetAdmChannel API operation.
Get-PINApnsChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApnsChannel API operation.
Get-PINApnsSandboxChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApnsSandboxChannel API operation.
Get-PINApnsVoipChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApnsVoipChannel API operation.
Get-PINApnsVoipSandboxChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApnsVoipSandboxChannel API operation.
Get-PINApp Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApp API operation.
Get-PINApplicationDateRangeKpi Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApplicationDateRangeKpi API operation.
Get-PINApplicationSettingList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApplicationSettings API operation.
Get-PINAppList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetApps API operation.
Get-PINBaiduChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetBaiduChannel API operation.
Get-PINCampaign Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetCampaign API operation.
Get-PINCampaignActivityList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetCampaignActivities API operation.
Get-PINCampaignDateRangeKpi Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetCampaignDateRangeKpi API operation.
Get-PINCampaignList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetCampaigns API operation.
Get-PINCampaignVersion Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetCampaignVersion API operation.
Get-PINCampaignVersionList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetCampaignVersions API operation.
Get-PINChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetChannels API operation.
Get-PINEmailChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetEmailChannel API operation.
Get-PINEmailTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetEmailTemplate API operation.
Get-PINEndpoint Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetEndpoint API operation.
Get-PINEventStream Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetEventStream API operation.
Get-PINExportJob Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetExportJob API operation.
Get-PINExportJobList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetExportJobs API operation.
Get-PINGcmChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetGcmChannel API operation.
Get-PINImportJob Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetImportJob API operation.
Get-PINImportJobList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetImportJobs API operation.
Get-PINInAppMessage Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetInAppMessages API operation.
Get-PINInAppTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetInAppTemplate API operation.
Get-PINJourney Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourney API operation.
Get-PINJourneyDateRangeKpi Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourneyDateRangeKpi API operation.
Get-PINJourneyExecutionActivityMetric Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourneyExecutionActivityMetrics API operation.
Get-PINJourneyExecutionMetric Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourneyExecutionMetrics API operation.
Get-PINJourneyList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint ListJourneys API operation.
Get-PINJourneyRun Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourneyRuns API operation.
Get-PINJourneyRunExecutionActivityMetric Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourneyRunExecutionActivityMetrics API operation.
Get-PINJourneyRunExecutionMetric Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetJourneyRunExecutionMetrics API operation.
Get-PINPushTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetPushTemplate API operation.
Get-PINRecommenderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetRecommenderConfiguration API operation.
Get-PINRecommenderConfigurationList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetRecommenderConfigurations API operation.
Get-PINResourceTag Calls the Amazon Pinpoint ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-PINSegment Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSegment API operation.
Get-PINSegmentExportJobList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSegmentExportJobs API operation.
Get-PINSegmentImportJobList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSegmentImportJobs API operation.
Get-PINSegmentList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSegments API operation.
Get-PINSegmentVersion Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSegmentVersion API operation.
Get-PINSegmentVersionList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSegmentVersions API operation.
Get-PINSmsChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSmsChannel API operation.
Get-PINSmsTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetSmsTemplate API operation.
Get-PINTemplateList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint ListTemplates API operation.
Get-PINTemplateVersionList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint ListTemplateVersions API operation.
Get-PINUserEndpoint Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetUserEndpoints API operation.
Get-PINVoiceChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetVoiceChannel API operation.
Get-PINVoiceTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint GetVoiceTemplate API operation.
New-PINApp Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateApp API operation.
New-PINCampaign Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateCampaign API operation.
New-PINEmailTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateEmailTemplate API operation.
New-PINExportJob Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateExportJob API operation.
New-PINImportJob Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateImportJob API operation.
New-PINInAppTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateInAppTemplate API operation.
New-PINJourney Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateJourney API operation.
New-PINPushTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreatePushTemplate API operation.
New-PINRecommenderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateRecommenderConfiguration API operation.
New-PINSegment Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateSegment API operation.
New-PINSmsTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateSmsTemplate API operation.
New-PINVoiceTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint CreateVoiceTemplate API operation.
Remove-PINAdmChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteAdmChannel API operation.
Remove-PINApnsChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteApnsChannel API operation.
Remove-PINApnsSandboxChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteApnsSandboxChannel API operation.
Remove-PINApnsVoipChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteApnsVoipChannel API operation.
Remove-PINApnsVoipSandboxChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteApnsVoipSandboxChannel API operation.
Remove-PINApp Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteApp API operation.
Remove-PINAttribute Calls the Amazon Pinpoint RemoveAttributes API operation.
Remove-PINBaiduChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteBaiduChannel API operation.
Remove-PINCampaign Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteCampaign API operation.
Remove-PINEmailChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteEmailChannel API operation.
Remove-PINEmailTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteEmailTemplate API operation.
Remove-PINEndpoint Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteEndpoint API operation.
Remove-PINEventStream Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteEventStream API operation.
Remove-PINGcmChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteGcmChannel API operation.
Remove-PINInAppTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteInAppTemplate API operation.
Remove-PINJourney Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteJourney API operation.
Remove-PINPushTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeletePushTemplate API operation.
Remove-PINRecommenderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteRecommenderConfiguration API operation.
Remove-PINResourceTag Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UntagResource API operation.
Remove-PINSegment Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteSegment API operation.
Remove-PINSmsChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteSmsChannel API operation.
Remove-PINSmsTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteSmsTemplate API operation.
Remove-PINUserEndpoint Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteUserEndpoints API operation.
Remove-PINVoiceChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteVoiceChannel API operation.
Remove-PINVoiceTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint DeleteVoiceTemplate API operation.
Send-PINMessage Calls the Amazon Pinpoint SendMessages API operation.
Send-PINOTPMessage Calls the Amazon Pinpoint SendOTPMessage API operation.
Send-PINUserMessageBatch Calls the Amazon Pinpoint SendUsersMessages API operation.
Update-PINAdmChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateAdmChannel API operation.
Update-PINApnsChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateApnsChannel API operation.
Update-PINApnsSandboxChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateApnsSandboxChannel API operation.
Update-PINApnsVoipChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateApnsVoipChannel API operation.
Update-PINApnsVoipSandboxChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateApnsVoipSandboxChannel API operation.
Update-PINApplicationSettingList Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateApplicationSettings API operation.
Update-PINBaiduChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateBaiduChannel API operation.
Update-PINCampaign Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateCampaign API operation.
Update-PINEmailChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateEmailChannel API operation.
Update-PINEmailTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateEmailTemplate API operation.
Update-PINEndpoint Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateEndpoint API operation.
Update-PINEndpointsBatch Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateEndpointsBatch API operation.
Update-PINGcmChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateGcmChannel API operation.
Update-PINInAppTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateInAppTemplate API operation.
Update-PINJourney Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateJourney API operation.
Update-PINJourneyState Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateJourneyState API operation.
Update-PINPushTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdatePushTemplate API operation.
Update-PINRecommenderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateRecommenderConfiguration API operation.
Update-PINSegment Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateSegment API operation.
Update-PINSmsChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateSmsChannel API operation.
Update-PINSmsTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateSmsTemplate API operation.
Update-PINTemplateActiveVersion Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateTemplateActiveVersion API operation.
Update-PINVoiceChannel Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateVoiceChannel API operation.
Update-PINVoiceTemplate Calls the Amazon Pinpoint UpdateVoiceTemplate API operation.
Write-PINEvent Calls the Amazon Pinpoint PutEvents API operation.
Write-PINEventStream Calls the Amazon Pinpoint PutEventStream API operation.