AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-REKDetectedFacesToCollection Calls the Amazon Rekognition IndexFaces API operation.
Add-REKREKFacesToUser Calls the Amazon Rekognition AssociateFaces API operation.
Add-REKResourceTag Calls the Amazon Rekognition TagResource API operation.
Compare-REKFace Calls the Amazon Rekognition CompareFaces API operation.
Copy-REKProjectVersion Calls the Amazon Rekognition CopyProjectVersion API operation.
Find-REKCelebrity Calls the Amazon Rekognition RecognizeCelebrities API operation.
Find-REKCustomLabel Calls the Amazon Rekognition DetectCustomLabels API operation.
Find-REKFace Calls the Amazon Rekognition DetectFaces API operation.
Find-REKLabel Calls the Amazon Rekognition DetectLabels API operation.
Find-REKModerationLabel Calls the Amazon Rekognition DetectModerationLabels API operation.
Find-REKProtectiveEquipment Calls the Amazon Rekognition DetectProtectiveEquipment API operation.
Find-REKText Calls the Amazon Rekognition DetectText API operation.
Get-REKCelebrityInfo Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetCelebrityInfo API operation.
Get-REKCelebrityRecognition Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetCelebrityRecognition API operation.
Get-REKCollection Calls the Amazon Rekognition DescribeCollection API operation.
Get-REKCollectionIdList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListCollections API operation.
Get-REKContentModeration Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetContentModeration API operation.
Get-REKDataset Calls the Amazon Rekognition DescribeDataset API operation.
Get-REKDatasetEntryList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListDatasetEntries API operation.
Get-REKDatasetLabelList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListDatasetLabels API operation.
Get-REKFaceDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetFaceDetection API operation.
Get-REKFaceList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListFaces API operation.
Get-REKFaceLivenessSessionResult Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetFaceLivenessSessionResults API operation.
Get-REKFaceSearch Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetFaceSearch API operation.
Get-REKLabelDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetLabelDetection API operation.
Get-REKMediaAnalysisJob Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetMediaAnalysisJob API operation.
Get-REKMediaAnalysisJobList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListMediaAnalysisJobs API operation.
Get-REKPersonTracking Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetPersonTracking API operation.
Get-REKProject Calls the Amazon Rekognition DescribeProjects API operation.
Get-REKProjectPolicyList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListProjectPolicies API operation.
Get-REKProjectVersion Calls the Amazon Rekognition DescribeProjectVersions API operation.
Get-REKResourceTag Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-REKSegmentDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetSegmentDetection API operation.
Get-REKStreamProcessor Calls the Amazon Rekognition DescribeStreamProcessor API operation.
Get-REKStreamProcessorList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListStreamProcessors API operation.
Get-REKTextDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition GetTextDetection API operation.
Get-REKUserList Calls the Amazon Rekognition ListUsers API operation.
Invoke-REKDistributeDatasetEntry Calls the Amazon Rekognition DistributeDatasetEntries API operation.
New-REKCollection Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateCollection API operation.
New-REKDataset Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateDataset API operation.
New-REKFaceLivenessSession Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateFaceLivenessSession API operation.
New-REKProject Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateProject API operation.
New-REKProjectVersion Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateProjectVersion API operation.
New-REKStreamProcessor Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateStreamProcessor API operation.
New-REKUser Calls the Amazon Rekognition CreateUser API operation.
Remove-REKCollection Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteCollection API operation.
Remove-REKDataset Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteDataset API operation.
Remove-REKFace Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteFaces API operation.
Remove-REKProject Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteProject API operation.
Remove-REKProjectPolicy Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteProjectPolicy API operation.
Remove-REKProjectVersion Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteProjectVersion API operation.
Remove-REKREKFacesFromUser Calls the Amazon Rekognition DisassociateFaces API operation.
Remove-REKResourceTag Calls the Amazon Rekognition UntagResource API operation.
Remove-REKStreamProcessor Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteStreamProcessor API operation.
Remove-REKUser Calls the Amazon Rekognition DeleteUser API operation.
Search-REKFace Calls the Amazon Rekognition SearchFaces API operation.
Search-REKFacesByImage Calls the Amazon Rekognition SearchFacesByImage API operation.
Search-REKUser Calls the Amazon Rekognition SearchUsers API operation.
Search-REKUsersByImage Calls the Amazon Rekognition SearchUsersByImage API operation.
Start-REKCelebrityRecognition Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartCelebrityRecognition API operation.
Start-REKContentModeration Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartContentModeration API operation.
Start-REKFaceDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartFaceDetection API operation.
Start-REKFaceSearch Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartFaceSearch API operation.
Start-REKLabelDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartLabelDetection API operation.
Start-REKMediaAnalysisJob Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartMediaAnalysisJob API operation.
Start-REKPersonTracking Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartPersonTracking API operation.
Start-REKProjectVersion Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartProjectVersion API operation.
Start-REKSegmentDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartSegmentDetection API operation.
Start-REKStreamProcessor Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartStreamProcessor API operation.
Start-REKTextDetection Calls the Amazon Rekognition StartTextDetection API operation.
Stop-REKProjectVersion Calls the Amazon Rekognition StopProjectVersion API operation.
Stop-REKStreamProcessor Calls the Amazon Rekognition StopStreamProcessor API operation.
Update-REKDatasetEntry Calls the Amazon Rekognition UpdateDatasetEntries API operation.
Update-REKStreamProcessor Calls the Amazon Rekognition UpdateStreamProcessor API operation.
Write-REKProjectPolicy Calls the Amazon Rekognition PutProjectPolicy API operation.