AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-TXTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Textract TagResource API operation.
Find-TXTDocumentText Calls the Amazon Textract DetectDocumentText API operation.
Get-TXTAdapter Calls the Amazon Textract GetAdapter API operation.
Get-TXTAdapterList Calls the Amazon Textract ListAdapters API operation.
Get-TXTAdapterVersion Calls the Amazon Textract GetAdapterVersion API operation.
Get-TXTAdapterVersionList Calls the Amazon Textract ListAdapterVersions API operation.
Get-TXTDocumentAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract GetDocumentAnalysis API operation.
Get-TXTDocumentTextDetection Calls the Amazon Textract GetDocumentTextDetection API operation.
Get-TXTExpenseAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract GetExpenseAnalysis API operation.
Get-TXTLendingAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract GetLendingAnalysis API operation.
Get-TXTLendingAnalysisSummary Calls the Amazon Textract GetLendingAnalysisSummary API operation.
Get-TXTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Textract ListTagsForResource API operation.
Invoke-TXTAnalyzeID Calls the Amazon Textract AnalyzeID API operation.
Invoke-TXTDocumentAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract AnalyzeDocument API operation.
Invoke-TXTExpenseAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract AnalyzeExpense API operation.
New-TXTAdapter Calls the Amazon Textract CreateAdapter API operation.
New-TXTAdapterVersion Calls the Amazon Textract CreateAdapterVersion API operation.
Remove-TXTAdapter Calls the Amazon Textract DeleteAdapter API operation.
Remove-TXTAdapterVersion Calls the Amazon Textract DeleteAdapterVersion API operation.
Remove-TXTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Textract UntagResource API operation.
Start-TXTDocumentAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract StartDocumentAnalysis API operation.
Start-TXTDocumentTextDetection Calls the Amazon Textract StartDocumentTextDetection API operation.
Start-TXTExpenseAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract StartExpenseAnalysis API operation.
Start-TXTLendingAnalysis Calls the Amazon Textract StartLendingAnalysis API operation.
Update-TXTAdapter Calls the Amazon Textract UpdateAdapter API operation.