AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-AMPUIResourceTag Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder TagResource API operation.
Convert-AMPUICodeForToken Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ExchangeCodeForToken API operation.
Export-AMPUIComponent Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ExportComponents API operation.
Export-AMPUIForm Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ExportForms API operation.
Export-AMPUITheme Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ExportThemes API operation.
Get-AMPUICodegenJob Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder GetCodegenJob API operation.
Get-AMPUICodegenJobList Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ListCodegenJobs API operation.
Get-AMPUIComponent Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder GetComponent API operation.
Get-AMPUIComponentList Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ListComponents API operation.
Get-AMPUIForm Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder GetForm API operation.
Get-AMPUIFormList Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ListForms API operation.
Get-AMPUIMetadata Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder GetMetadata API operation.
Get-AMPUIResourceTag Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-AMPUITheme Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder GetTheme API operation.
Get-AMPUIThemeList Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder ListThemes API operation.
New-AMPUICodegenJob Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder StartCodegenJob API operation.
New-AMPUIComponent Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder CreateComponent API operation.
New-AMPUIForm Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder CreateForm API operation.
New-AMPUITheme Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder CreateTheme API operation.
Remove-AMPUIComponent Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder DeleteComponent API operation.
Remove-AMPUIForm Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder DeleteForm API operation.
Remove-AMPUIResourceTag Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder UntagResource API operation.
Remove-AMPUITheme Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder DeleteTheme API operation.
Update-AMPUIComponent Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder UpdateComponent API operation.
Update-AMPUIForm Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder UpdateForm API operation.
Update-AMPUITheme Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder UpdateTheme API operation.
Update-AMPUIToken Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder RefreshToken API operation.
Write-AMPUIMetadataFlag Calls the AWS Amplify UI Builder PutMetadataFlag API operation.