AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Name Description
Add-DTCTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Detective TagResource API operation.
Approve-DTCTInvitation Calls the Amazon Detective AcceptInvitation API operation.
Deny-DTCTInvitation Calls the Amazon Detective RejectInvitation API operation.
Disable-DTCTOrganizationAdminAccount Calls the Amazon Detective DisableOrganizationAdminAccount API operation.
Enable-DTCTOrganizationAdminAccount Calls the Amazon Detective EnableOrganizationAdminAccount API operation.
Get-DTCTDatasourcePackageList Calls the Amazon Detective ListDatasourcePackages API operation.
Get-DTCTGraphList Calls the Amazon Detective ListGraphs API operation.
Get-DTCTGraphMemberDatasource Calls the Amazon Detective BatchGetGraphMemberDatasources API operation.
Get-DTCTIndicatorList Calls the Amazon Detective ListIndicators API operation.
Get-DTCTInvestigation Calls the Amazon Detective GetInvestigation API operation.
Get-DTCTInvestigationList Calls the Amazon Detective ListInvestigations API operation.
Get-DTCTInvitationList Calls the Amazon Detective ListInvitations API operation.
Get-DTCTMember Calls the Amazon Detective GetMembers API operation.
Get-DTCTMemberList Calls the Amazon Detective ListMembers API operation.
Get-DTCTMembershipDatasource Calls the Amazon Detective BatchGetMembershipDatasources API operation.
Get-DTCTOrganizationAdminAccountList Calls the Amazon Detective ListOrganizationAdminAccounts API operation.
Get-DTCTOrganizationConfiguration Calls the Amazon Detective DescribeOrganizationConfiguration API operation.
Get-DTCTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Detective ListTagsForResource API operation.
New-DTCTGraph Calls the Amazon Detective CreateGraph API operation.
New-DTCTMember Calls the Amazon Detective CreateMembers API operation.
Remove-DTCTGraph Calls the Amazon Detective DeleteGraph API operation.
Remove-DTCTMember Calls the Amazon Detective DeleteMembers API operation.
Remove-DTCTMembership Calls the Amazon Detective DisassociateMembership API operation.
Remove-DTCTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Detective UntagResource API operation.
Start-DTCTInvestigation Calls the Amazon Detective StartInvestigation API operation.
Start-DTCTMonitoringMember Calls the Amazon Detective StartMonitoringMember API operation.
Update-DTCTDatasourcePackage Calls the Amazon Detective UpdateDatasourcePackages API operation.
Update-DTCTInvestigationState Calls the Amazon Detective UpdateInvestigationState API operation.
Update-DTCTOrganizationConfiguration Calls the Amazon Detective UpdateOrganizationConfiguration API operation.