AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-DGURUNotificationChannel Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru AddNotificationChannel API operation.
Get-DGURUAccountHealth Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeAccountHealth API operation.
Get-DGURUAccountOverview Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeAccountOverview API operation.
Get-DGURUAnomaliesForInsightList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListAnomaliesForInsight API operation.
Get-DGURUAnomalousLogGroupList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListAnomalousLogGroups API operation.
Get-DGURUAnomaly Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeAnomaly API operation.
Get-DGURUCostEstimation Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru GetCostEstimation API operation.
Get-DGURUEventList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListEvents API operation.
Get-DGURUEventSourcesConfig Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeEventSourcesConfig API operation.
Get-DGURUFeedback Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeFeedback API operation.
Get-DGURUInsight Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeInsight API operation.
Get-DGURUInsightList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListInsights API operation.
Get-DGURUMonitoredResourceList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListMonitoredResources API operation.
Get-DGURUNotificationChannelList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListNotificationChannels API operation.
Get-DGURUOrganizationHealth Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeOrganizationHealth API operation.
Get-DGURUOrganizationInsightList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListOrganizationInsights API operation.
Get-DGURUOrganizationOverview Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeOrganizationOverview API operation.
Get-DGURUOrganizationResourceCollectionHealth Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeOrganizationResourceCollectionHealth API operation.
Get-DGURURecommendationList Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru ListRecommendations API operation.
Get-DGURUResourceCollection Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru GetResourceCollection API operation.
Get-DGURUResourceCollectionHealth Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeResourceCollectionHealth API operation.
Get-DGURUServiceIntegration Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DescribeServiceIntegration API operation.
Remove-DGURUInsight Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru DeleteInsight API operation.
Remove-DGURUNotificationChannel Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru RemoveNotificationChannel API operation.
Search-DGURUInsight Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru SearchInsights API operation.
Search-DGURUOrganizationInsight Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru SearchOrganizationInsights API operation.
Start-DGURUCostEstimation Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru StartCostEstimation API operation.
Update-DGURUEventSourcesConfig Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru UpdateEventSourcesConfig API operation.
Update-DGURUResourceCollection Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru UpdateResourceCollection API operation.
Update-DGURUServiceIntegration Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru UpdateServiceIntegration API operation.
Write-DGURUFeedback Calls the Amazon DevOps Guru PutFeedback API operation.