AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-IVSRTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime TagResource API operation.
Disconnect-IVSRTParticipant Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime DisconnectParticipant API operation.
Get-IVSRTComposition Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetComposition API operation.
Get-IVSRTCompositionList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListCompositions API operation.
Get-IVSRTEncoderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetEncoderConfiguration API operation.
Get-IVSRTEncoderConfigurationList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListEncoderConfigurations API operation.
Get-IVSRTIngestConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetIngestConfiguration API operation.
Get-IVSRTIngestConfigurationList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListIngestConfigurations API operation.
Get-IVSRTParticipant Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetParticipant API operation.
Get-IVSRTParticipantEventList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListParticipantEvents API operation.
Get-IVSRTParticipantList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListParticipants API operation.
Get-IVSRTPublicKey Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetPublicKey API operation.
Get-IVSRTPublicKeyList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListPublicKeys API operation.
Get-IVSRTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-IVSRTStage Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetStage API operation.
Get-IVSRTStageList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListStages API operation.
Get-IVSRTStageSession Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetStageSession API operation.
Get-IVSRTStageSessionList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListStageSessions API operation.
Get-IVSRTStorageConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime GetStorageConfiguration API operation.
Get-IVSRTStorageConfigurationList Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ListStorageConfigurations API operation.
Import-IVSRTPublicKey Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ImportPublicKey API operation.
New-IVSRTEncoderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime CreateEncoderConfiguration API operation.
New-IVSRTIngestConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime CreateIngestConfiguration API operation.
New-IVSRTParticipantToken Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime CreateParticipantToken API operation.
New-IVSRTStage Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime CreateStage API operation.
New-IVSRTStorageConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime CreateStorageConfiguration API operation.
Remove-IVSRTEncoderConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime DeleteEncoderConfiguration API operation.
Remove-IVSRTIngestConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime DeleteIngestConfiguration API operation.
Remove-IVSRTPublicKey Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime DeletePublicKey API operation.
Remove-IVSRTResourceTag Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime UntagResource API operation.
Remove-IVSRTStage Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime DeleteStage API operation.
Remove-IVSRTStorageConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime DeleteStorageConfiguration API operation.
Start-IVSRTComposition Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime StartComposition API operation.
Stop-IVSRTComposition Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime StopComposition API operation.
Update-IVSRTIngestConfiguration Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime UpdateIngestConfiguration API operation.
Update-IVSRTStage Calls the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime UpdateStage API operation.