AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.
Name | Description |
Add-INS2ResourceTag | Calls the Inspector2 TagResource API operation. |
Disable-INS2DelegatedAdminAccount | Calls the Inspector2 DisableDelegatedAdminAccount API operation. |
Enable-INS2DelegatedAdminAccount | Calls the Inspector2 EnableDelegatedAdminAccount API operation. |
Get-INS2AccountPermissionList | Calls the Inspector2 ListAccountPermissions API operation. |
Get-INS2BatchGetCodeSnippet | Calls the Inspector2 BatchGetCodeSnippet API operation. |
Get-INS2BatchMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatus | Calls the Inspector2 BatchGetMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatus API operation. |
Get-INS2CisScanConfigurationList | Calls the Inspector2 ListCisScanConfigurations API operation. |
Get-INS2CisScanList | Calls the Inspector2 ListCisScans API operation. |
Get-INS2CisScanReport | Calls the Inspector2 GetCisScanReport API operation. |
Get-INS2CisScanResultDetail | Calls the Inspector2 GetCisScanResultDetails API operation. |
Get-INS2CisScanResultsAggregatedByCheckList | Calls the Inspector2 ListCisScanResultsAggregatedByChecks API operation. |
Get-INS2CisScanResultsAggregatedByTargetResourceList | Calls the Inspector2 ListCisScanResultsAggregatedByTargetResource API operation. |
Get-INS2Configuration | Calls the Inspector2 GetConfiguration API operation. |
Get-INS2CoverageList | Calls the Inspector2 ListCoverage API operation. |
Get-INS2CoverageStatisticList | Calls the Inspector2 ListCoverageStatistics API operation. |
Get-INS2DelegatedAdminAccount | Calls the Inspector2 GetDelegatedAdminAccount API operation. |
Get-INS2DelegatedAdminAccountList | Calls the Inspector2 ListDelegatedAdminAccounts API operation. |
Get-INS2Ec2DeepInspectionConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 GetEc2DeepInspectionConfiguration API operation. |
Get-INS2EncryptionKey | Calls the Inspector2 GetEncryptionKey API operation. |
Get-INS2FilterList | Calls the Inspector2 ListFilters API operation. |
Get-INS2FindingAggregationList | Calls the Inspector2 ListFindingAggregations API operation. |
Get-INS2FindingList | Calls the Inspector2 ListFindings API operation. |
Get-INS2FindingsReportStatus | Calls the Inspector2 GetFindingsReportStatus API operation. |
Get-INS2GetAccountStatus | Calls the Inspector2 BatchGetAccountStatus API operation. |
Get-INS2GetFindingDetail | Calls the Inspector2 BatchGetFindingDetails API operation. |
Get-INS2GetFreeTrialInfo | Calls the Inspector2 BatchGetFreeTrialInfo API operation. |
Get-INS2Member | Calls the Inspector2 GetMember API operation. |
Get-INS2MemberList | Calls the Inspector2 ListMembers API operation. |
Get-INS2OrganizationConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 DescribeOrganizationConfiguration API operation. |
Get-INS2ResourceTag | Calls the Inspector2 ListTagsForResource API operation. |
Get-INS2SbomExport | Calls the Inspector2 GetSbomExport API operation. |
Get-INS2UsageTotalList | Calls the Inspector2 ListUsageTotals API operation. |
New-INS2CisScanConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 CreateCisScanConfiguration API operation. |
New-INS2Filter | Calls the Inspector2 CreateFilter API operation. |
New-INS2FindingsReport | Calls the Inspector2 CreateFindingsReport API operation. |
New-INS2SbomExport | Calls the Inspector2 CreateSbomExport API operation. |
Register-INS2Member | Calls the Inspector2 AssociateMember API operation. |
Remove-INS2CisScanConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 DeleteCisScanConfiguration API operation. |
Remove-INS2Filter | Calls the Inspector2 DeleteFilter API operation. |
Remove-INS2ResourceTag | Calls the Inspector2 UntagResource API operation. |
Reset-INS2EncryptionKey | Calls the Inspector2 ResetEncryptionKey API operation. |
Search-INS2Vulnerability | Calls the Inspector2 SearchVulnerabilities API operation. |
Send-INS2CisSessionHealth | Calls the Inspector2 SendCisSessionHealth API operation. |
Send-INS2CisSessionTelemetry | Calls the Inspector2 SendCisSessionTelemetry API operation. |
Start-INS2CisSession | Calls the Inspector2 StartCisSession API operation. |
Stop-INS2CisSession | Calls the Inspector2 StopCisSession API operation. |
Stop-INS2FindingsReport | Calls the Inspector2 CancelFindingsReport API operation. |
Stop-INS2Inspector | Calls the Inspector2 Enable API operation. |
Stop-INS2SbomExport | Calls the Inspector2 CancelSbomExport API operation. |
Stop-INS2Service | Calls the Inspector2 Disable API operation. |
Unregister-INS2Member | Calls the Inspector2 DisassociateMember API operation. |
Update-INS2BatchMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatus | Calls the Inspector2 BatchUpdateMemberEc2DeepInspectionStatus API operation. |
Update-INS2CisScanConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateCisScanConfiguration API operation. |
Update-INS2Configuration | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateConfiguration API operation. |
Update-INS2Ec2DeepInspectionConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateEc2DeepInspectionConfiguration API operation. |
Update-INS2EncryptionKey | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateEncryptionKey API operation. |
Update-INS2Filter | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateFilter API operation. |
Update-INS2OrganizationConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateOrganizationConfiguration API operation. |
Update-INS2OrgEc2DeepInspectionConfiguration | Calls the Inspector2 UpdateOrgEc2DeepInspectionConfiguration API operation. |