AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-LMBV2ResourceTag Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 TagResource API operation.
Edit-LMBV2CustomVocabularyItem Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 BatchUpdateCustomVocabularyItem API operation.
Get-LMBV2AggregatedUtteranceList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListAggregatedUtterances API operation.
Get-LMBV2Bot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBot API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotAlias Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBotAlias API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotAliasList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotAliases API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotAliasReplicaList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotAliasReplicas API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotElement Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 GenerateBotElement API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBots API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotLocale Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBotLocale API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotLocaleList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotLocales API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotRecommendation Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBotRecommendation API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotRecommendationList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotRecommendations API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotReplica Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBotReplica API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotReplicaList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotReplicas API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotResourceGeneration Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBotResourceGeneration API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotResourceGenerationList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotResourceGenerations API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotVersion Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeBotVersion API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotVersionList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotVersions API operation.
Get-LMBV2BotVersionReplicaList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBotVersionReplicas API operation.
Get-LMBV2BuiltInIntentList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBuiltInIntents API operation.
Get-LMBV2BuiltInSlotTypeList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListBuiltInSlotTypes API operation.
Get-LMBV2CustomVocabularyItemList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListCustomVocabularyItems API operation.
Get-LMBV2CustomVocabularyMetadata Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeCustomVocabularyMetadata API operation.
Get-LMBV2Export Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeExport API operation.
Get-LMBV2ExportList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListExports API operation.
Get-LMBV2Import Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeImport API operation.
Get-LMBV2ImportList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListImports API operation.
Get-LMBV2Intent Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeIntent API operation.
Get-LMBV2IntentList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListIntents API operation.
Get-LMBV2IntentMetricList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListIntentMetrics API operation.
Get-LMBV2IntentPathList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListIntentPaths API operation.
Get-LMBV2IntentStageMetricList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListIntentStageMetrics API operation.
Get-LMBV2RecommendedIntentList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListRecommendedIntents API operation.
Get-LMBV2ResourcePolicy Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeResourcePolicy API operation.
Get-LMBV2ResourceTag Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-LMBV2SessionAnalyticsDataList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListSessionAnalyticsData API operation.
Get-LMBV2SessionMetricList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListSessionMetrics API operation.
Get-LMBV2Slot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeSlot API operation.
Get-LMBV2SlotList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListSlots API operation.
Get-LMBV2SlotType Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeSlotType API operation.
Get-LMBV2SlotTypeList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListSlotTypes API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestExecution Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeTestExecution API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestExecutionArtifactsUrl Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 GetTestExecutionArtifactsUrl API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestExecutionList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListTestExecutions API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestExecutionResultItemList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListTestExecutionResultItems API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestSet Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeTestSet API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestSetDiscrepancyReport Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReport API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestSetGeneration Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DescribeTestSetGeneration API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestSetList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListTestSets API operation.
Get-LMBV2TestSetRecordList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListTestSetRecords API operation.
Get-LMBV2UtteranceAnalyticsDataList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListUtteranceAnalyticsData API operation.
Get-LMBV2UtteranceMetricList Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 ListUtteranceMetrics API operation.
Invoke-LMBV2BuildBotLocale Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 BuildBotLocale API operation.
New-LMBV2Bot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateBot API operation.
New-LMBV2BotAlias Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateBotAlias API operation.
New-LMBV2BotLocale Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateBotLocale API operation.
New-LMBV2BotReplica Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateBotReplica API operation.
New-LMBV2BotVersion Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateBotVersion API operation.
New-LMBV2CustomVocabularyItem Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 BatchCreateCustomVocabularyItem API operation.
New-LMBV2Export Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateExport API operation.
New-LMBV2Intent Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateIntent API operation.
New-LMBV2ResourcePolicy Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateResourcePolicy API operation.
New-LMBV2ResourcePolicyStatement Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateResourcePolicyStatement API operation.
New-LMBV2Slot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateSlot API operation.
New-LMBV2SlotType Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateSlotType API operation.
New-LMBV2TestSetDiscrepancyReport Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateTestSetDiscrepancyReport API operation.
New-LMBV2UploadUrl Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 CreateUploadUrl API operation.
Remove-LMBV2Bot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteBot API operation.
Remove-LMBV2BotAlias Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteBotAlias API operation.
Remove-LMBV2BotLocale Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteBotLocale API operation.
Remove-LMBV2BotReplica Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteBotReplica API operation.
Remove-LMBV2BotVersion Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteBotVersion API operation.
Remove-LMBV2CustomVocabulary Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteCustomVocabulary API operation.
Remove-LMBV2CustomVocabularyItem Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 BatchDeleteCustomVocabularyItem API operation.
Remove-LMBV2Export Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteExport API operation.
Remove-LMBV2Import Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteImport API operation.
Remove-LMBV2Intent Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteIntent API operation.
Remove-LMBV2ResourcePolicy Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteResourcePolicy API operation.
Remove-LMBV2ResourcePolicyStatement Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteResourcePolicyStatement API operation.
Remove-LMBV2ResourceTag Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UntagResource API operation.
Remove-LMBV2Slot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteSlot API operation.
Remove-LMBV2SlotType Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteSlotType API operation.
Remove-LMBV2TestSet Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteTestSet API operation.
Remove-LMBV2Utterance Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 DeleteUtterances API operation.
Search-LMBV2AssociatedTranscript Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 SearchAssociatedTranscripts API operation.
Start-LMBV2BotRecommendation Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 StartBotRecommendation API operation.
Start-LMBV2BotResourceGeneration Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 StartBotResourceGeneration API operation.
Start-LMBV2Import Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 StartImport API operation.
Start-LMBV2TestExecution Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 StartTestExecution API operation.
Start-LMBV2TestSetGeneration Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 StartTestSetGeneration API operation.
Stop-LMBV2BotRecommendation Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 StopBotRecommendation API operation.
Update-LMBV2Bot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateBot API operation.
Update-LMBV2BotAlias Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateBotAlias API operation.
Update-LMBV2BotLocale Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateBotLocale API operation.
Update-LMBV2BotRecommendation Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateBotRecommendation API operation.
Update-LMBV2Export Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateExport API operation.
Update-LMBV2Intent Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateIntent API operation.
Update-LMBV2ResourcePolicy Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateResourcePolicy API operation.
Update-LMBV2Slot Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateSlot API operation.
Update-LMBV2SlotType Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateSlotType API operation.
Update-LMBV2TestSet Calls the Amazon Lex Model Building V2 UpdateTestSet API operation.