AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-LSAlarm Calls the Amazon Lightsail PutAlarm API operation.
Add-LSDisk Calls the Amazon Lightsail AttachDisk API operation.
Add-LSInstancesToLoadBalancer Calls the Amazon Lightsail AttachInstancesToLoadBalancer API operation.
Add-LSLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail AttachLoadBalancerTlsCertificate API operation.
Add-LSPeerVpc Calls the Amazon Lightsail PeerVpc API operation.
Add-LSResourceTag Calls the Amazon Lightsail TagResource API operation.
Close-LSInstancePublicPort Calls the Amazon Lightsail CloseInstancePublicPorts API operation.
Copy-LSSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CopySnapshot API operation.
Disable-LSAddOn Calls the Amazon Lightsail DisableAddOn API operation.
Dismount-LSCertificateFromDistribution Calls the Amazon Lightsail DetachCertificateFromDistribution API operation.
Dismount-LSDisk Calls the Amazon Lightsail DetachDisk API operation.
Dismount-LSInstancesFromLoadBalancer Calls the Amazon Lightsail DetachInstancesFromLoadBalancer API operation.
Dismount-LSStaticIp Calls the Amazon Lightsail DetachStaticIp API operation.
Enable-LSAddOn Calls the Amazon Lightsail EnableAddOn API operation.
Export-LSSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail ExportSnapshot API operation.
Get-LSActiveNameList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetActiveNames API operation.
Get-LSAlarm Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetAlarms API operation.
Get-LSAutoSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetAutoSnapshots API operation.
Get-LSBlueprintList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetBlueprints API operation.
Get-LSBucket Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetBuckets API operation.
Get-LSBucketAccessKey Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetBucketAccessKeys API operation.
Get-LSBucketBundle Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetBucketBundles API operation.
Get-LSBucketMetricData Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetBucketMetricData API operation.
Get-LSBundleList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetBundles API operation.
Get-LSCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetCertificates API operation.
Get-LSCloudFormationStackRecord Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetCloudFormationStackRecords API operation.
Get-LSContactMethod Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContactMethods API operation.
Get-LSContainerAPIMetadata Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerAPIMetadata API operation.
Get-LSContainerImage Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerImages API operation.
Get-LSContainerLog Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerLog API operation.
Get-LSContainerService Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerServices API operation.
Get-LSContainerServiceDeployment Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerServiceDeployments API operation.
Get-LSContainerServiceMetricData Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerServiceMetricData API operation.
Get-LSContainerServicePower Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetContainerServicePowers API operation.
Get-LSCostEstimate Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetCostEstimate API operation.
Get-LSDisk Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDisk API operation.
Get-LSDiskList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDisks API operation.
Get-LSDiskSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDiskSnapshot API operation.
Get-LSDiskSnapshotList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDiskSnapshots API operation.
Get-LSDistribution Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDistributions API operation.
Get-LSDistributionBundle Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDistributionBundles API operation.
Get-LSDistributionLatestCacheReset Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDistributionLatestCacheReset API operation.
Get-LSDistributionMetricData Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDistributionMetricData API operation.
Get-LSDomain Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDomain API operation.
Get-LSDomainList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetDomains API operation.
Get-LSExportSnapshotRecord Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetExportSnapshotRecords API operation.
Get-LSInstance Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstance API operation.
Get-LSInstanceAccessDetail Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstanceAccessDetails API operation.
Get-LSInstanceList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstances API operation.
Get-LSInstanceMetricData Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstanceMetricData API operation.
Get-LSInstancePortStateList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstancePortStates API operation.
Get-LSInstanceSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstanceSnapshot API operation.
Get-LSInstanceSnapshotList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstanceSnapshots API operation.
Get-LSInstanceState Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetInstanceState API operation.
Get-LSKeyPairInfo Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetKeyPair API operation.
Get-LSKeypairList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetKeyPairs API operation.
Get-LSLoadBalancer Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetLoadBalancer API operation.
Get-LSLoadBalancerList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetLoadBalancers API operation.
Get-LSLoadBalancerMetricData Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetLoadBalancerMetricData API operation.
Get-LSLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetLoadBalancerTlsCertificates API operation.
Get-LSLoadBalancerTlsPolicy Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetLoadBalancerTlsPolicies API operation.
Get-LSOperation Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetOperation API operation.
Get-LSOperationList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetOperations API operation.
Get-LSOperationListForResource Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetOperationsForResource API operation.
Get-LSRegionList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRegions API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabase API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseBlueprint Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseBlueprints API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseBundle Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseBundles API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseEvent Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseEvents API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabases API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseLogEvent Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseLogEvents API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseLogStream Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseLogStreams API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseMasterUserPassword API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseMetricData Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseMetricData API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseParameter Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseParameters API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshot API operation.
Get-LSRelationalDatabaseSnapshotList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetRelationalDatabaseSnapshots API operation.
Get-LSSetupHistory Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetSetupHistory API operation.
Get-LSStaticIp Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetStaticIp API operation.
Get-LSStaticIpList Calls the Amazon Lightsail GetStaticIps API operation.
Import-LSKeyPair Calls the Amazon Lightsail ImportKeyPair API operation.
Mount-LSCertificateToDistribution Calls the Amazon Lightsail AttachCertificateToDistribution API operation.
Mount-LSStaticIp Calls the Amazon Lightsail AttachStaticIp API operation.
New-LSBucket Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateBucket API operation.
New-LSBucketAccessKey Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateBucketAccessKey API operation.
New-LSCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateCertificate API operation.
New-LSCloudFormationStack Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateCloudFormationStack API operation.
New-LSContactMethod Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateContactMethod API operation.
New-LSContainerService Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateContainerService API operation.
New-LSContainerServiceDeployment Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateContainerServiceDeployment API operation.
New-LSContainerServiceRegistryLogin Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateContainerServiceRegistryLogin API operation.
New-LSDisk Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateDisk API operation.
New-LSDiskFromSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateDiskFromSnapshot API operation.
New-LSDiskSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateDiskSnapshot API operation.
New-LSDistribution Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateDistribution API operation.
New-LSDomain Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateDomain API operation.
New-LSDomainEntry Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateDomainEntry API operation.
New-LSGUISessionAccessDetail Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateGUISessionAccessDetails API operation.
New-LSInstance Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateInstances API operation.
New-LSInstancesFromSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateInstancesFromSnapshot API operation.
New-LSInstanceSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateInstanceSnapshot API operation.
New-LSKeyPair Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateKeyPair API operation.
New-LSLoadBalancer Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateLoadBalancer API operation.
New-LSLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateLoadBalancerTlsCertificate API operation.
New-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateRelationalDatabase API operation.
New-LSRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateRelationalDatabaseFromSnapshot API operation.
New-LSRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail CreateRelationalDatabaseSnapshot API operation.
New-LSStaticIp Calls the Amazon Lightsail AllocateStaticIp API operation.
Open-LSInstancePublicPort Calls the Amazon Lightsail OpenInstancePublicPorts API operation.
Read-LSDefaultKeyPair Calls the Amazon Lightsail DownloadDefaultKeyPair API operation.
Register-LSContainerImage Calls the Amazon Lightsail RegisterContainerImage API operation.
Remove-LSAlarm Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteAlarm API operation.
Remove-LSAutoSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteAutoSnapshot API operation.
Remove-LSBucket Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteBucket API operation.
Remove-LSBucketAccessKey Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteBucketAccessKey API operation.
Remove-LSCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteCertificate API operation.
Remove-LSContactMethod Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteContactMethod API operation.
Remove-LSContainerImage Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteContainerImage API operation.
Remove-LSContainerService Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteContainerService API operation.
Remove-LSDisk Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteDisk API operation.
Remove-LSDiskSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteDiskSnapshot API operation.
Remove-LSDistribution Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteDistribution API operation.
Remove-LSDomain Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteDomain API operation.
Remove-LSDomainEntry Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteDomainEntry API operation.
Remove-LSInstance Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteInstance API operation.
Remove-LSInstanceSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteInstanceSnapshot API operation.
Remove-LSKeyPair Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteKeyPair API operation.
Remove-LSKnownHostKey Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteKnownHostKeys API operation.
Remove-LSLoadBalancer Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteLoadBalancer API operation.
Remove-LSLoadBalancerTlsCertificate Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteLoadBalancerTlsCertificate API operation.
Remove-LSPeerVpc Calls the Amazon Lightsail UnpeerVpc API operation.
Remove-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteRelationalDatabase API operation.
Remove-LSRelationalDatabaseSnapshot Calls the Amazon Lightsail DeleteRelationalDatabaseSnapshot API operation.
Remove-LSResourceTag Calls the Amazon Lightsail UntagResource API operation.
Remove-LSStaticIp Calls the Amazon Lightsail ReleaseStaticIp API operation.
Reset-LSDistributionCache Calls the Amazon Lightsail ResetDistributionCache API operation.
Restart-LSInstance Calls the Amazon Lightsail RebootInstance API operation.
Restart-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail RebootRelationalDatabase API operation.
Send-LSContactMethodVerification Calls the Amazon Lightsail SendContactMethodVerification API operation.
Set-LSInstanceHttp Calls the Amazon Lightsail SetupInstanceHttps API operation.
Set-LSInstancePublicPort Calls the Amazon Lightsail PutInstancePublicPorts API operation.
Set-LSIpAddressType Calls the Amazon Lightsail SetIpAddressType API operation.
Set-LSResourceAccessForBucket Calls the Amazon Lightsail SetResourceAccessForBucket API operation.
Start-LSGUISession Calls the Amazon Lightsail StartGUISession API operation.
Start-LSInstance Calls the Amazon Lightsail StartInstance API operation.
Start-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail StartRelationalDatabase API operation.
Stop-LSGUISession Calls the Amazon Lightsail StopGUISession API operation.
Stop-LSInstance Calls the Amazon Lightsail StopInstance API operation.
Stop-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail StopRelationalDatabase API operation.
Test-LSAlarm Calls the Amazon Lightsail TestAlarm API operation.
Test-LSVpcPeered Calls the Amazon Lightsail IsVpcPeered API operation.
Update-LSBucket Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateBucket API operation.
Update-LSBucketBundle Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateBucketBundle API operation.
Update-LSContainerService Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateContainerService API operation.
Update-LSDistribution Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateDistribution API operation.
Update-LSDistributionBundle Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateDistributionBundle API operation.
Update-LSDomainEntry Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateDomainEntry API operation.
Update-LSInstanceMetadataOption Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateInstanceMetadataOptions API operation.
Update-LSLoadBalancerAttribute Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateLoadBalancerAttribute API operation.
Update-LSRelationalDatabase Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateRelationalDatabase API operation.
Update-LSRelationalDatabaseParameter Calls the Amazon Lightsail UpdateRelationalDatabaseParameters API operation.