AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-MAC2ResourceTag Calls the Amazon Macie 2 TagResource API operation.
Approve-MAC2Invitation Calls the Amazon Macie 2 AcceptInvitation API operation.
Deny-MAC2Invitation Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DeclineInvitations API operation.
Disable-MAC2Macie Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DisableMacie API operation.
Disable-MAC2OrganizationAdminAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DisableOrganizationAdminAccount API operation.
Enable-MAC2Macie Calls the Amazon Macie 2 EnableMacie API operation.
Enable-MAC2OrganizationAdminAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 EnableOrganizationAdminAccount API operation.
Get-MAC2AdministratorAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetAdministratorAccount API operation.
Get-MAC2AllowList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetAllowList API operation.
Get-MAC2AllowListList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListAllowLists API operation.
Get-MAC2AutomatedDiscoveryAccountList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListAutomatedDiscoveryAccounts API operation.
Get-MAC2AutomatedDiscoveryConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetAutomatedDiscoveryConfiguration API operation.
Get-MAC2Bucket Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DescribeBuckets API operation.
Get-MAC2BucketStatistic Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetBucketStatistics API operation.
Get-MAC2ClassificationExportConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetClassificationExportConfiguration API operation.
Get-MAC2ClassificationJob Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DescribeClassificationJob API operation.
Get-MAC2ClassificationJobList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListClassificationJobs API operation.
Get-MAC2ClassificationScope Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetClassificationScope API operation.
Get-MAC2ClassificationScopeList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListClassificationScopes API operation.
Get-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetCustomDataIdentifier API operation.
Get-MAC2CustomDataIdentifierList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListCustomDataIdentifiers API operation.
Get-MAC2Finding Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetFindings API operation.
Get-MAC2FindingList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListFindings API operation.
Get-MAC2FindingsFilter Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetFindingsFilter API operation.
Get-MAC2FindingsFilterList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListFindingsFilters API operation.
Get-MAC2FindingsPublicationConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetFindingsPublicationConfiguration API operation.
Get-MAC2FindingStatistic Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetFindingStatistics API operation.
Get-MAC2GetCustomDataIdentifier Calls the Amazon Macie 2 BatchGetCustomDataIdentifiers API operation.
Get-MAC2InvitationList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListInvitations API operation.
Get-MAC2InvitationsCount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetInvitationsCount API operation.
Get-MAC2MacieSession Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetMacieSession API operation.
Get-MAC2ManagedDataIdentifierList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListManagedDataIdentifiers API operation.
Get-MAC2MasterAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetMasterAccount API operation.
Get-MAC2Member Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetMember API operation.
Get-MAC2MemberList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListMembers API operation.
Get-MAC2OrganizationAdminAccountList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListOrganizationAdminAccounts API operation.
Get-MAC2OrganizationConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DescribeOrganizationConfiguration API operation.
Get-MAC2ResourceProfile Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetResourceProfile API operation.
Get-MAC2ResourceProfileArtifactList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListResourceProfileArtifacts API operation.
Get-MAC2ResourceProfileDetectionList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListResourceProfileDetections API operation.
Get-MAC2ResourceTag Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-MAC2RevealConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetRevealConfiguration API operation.
Get-MAC2SensitiveDataOccurrence Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetSensitiveDataOccurrences API operation.
Get-MAC2SensitiveDataOccurrencesAvailability Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetSensitiveDataOccurrencesAvailability API operation.
Get-MAC2SensitivityInspectionTemplate Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetSensitivityInspectionTemplate API operation.
Get-MAC2SensitivityInspectionTemplateList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 ListSensitivityInspectionTemplates API operation.
Get-MAC2UsageStatistic Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetUsageStatistics API operation.
Get-MAC2UsageTotal Calls the Amazon Macie 2 GetUsageTotals API operation.
New-MAC2AllowList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateAllowList API operation.
New-MAC2ClassificationJob Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateClassificationJob API operation.
New-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateCustomDataIdentifier API operation.
New-MAC2FindingsFilter Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateFindingsFilter API operation.
New-MAC2Invitation Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateInvitations API operation.
New-MAC2Member Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateMember API operation.
New-MAC2SampleFinding Calls the Amazon Macie 2 CreateSampleFindings API operation.
Remove-MAC2AllowList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DeleteAllowList API operation.
Remove-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DeleteCustomDataIdentifier API operation.
Remove-MAC2FindingsFilter Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DeleteFindingsFilter API operation.
Remove-MAC2Invitation Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DeleteInvitations API operation.
Remove-MAC2Member Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DeleteMember API operation.
Remove-MAC2ResourceTag Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UntagResource API operation.
Search-MAC2Resource Calls the Amazon Macie 2 SearchResources API operation.
Test-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier Calls the Amazon Macie 2 TestCustomDataIdentifier API operation.
Unregister-MAC2FromAdministratorAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DisassociateFromAdministratorAccount API operation.
Unregister-MAC2FromMasterAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DisassociateFromMasterAccount API operation.
Unregister-MAC2Member Calls the Amazon Macie 2 DisassociateMember API operation.
Update-MAC2AllowList Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateAllowList API operation.
Update-MAC2AutomatedDiscoveryConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateAutomatedDiscoveryConfiguration API operation.
Update-MAC2ClassificationJob Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateClassificationJob API operation.
Update-MAC2ClassificationScope Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateClassificationScope API operation.
Update-MAC2FindingsFilter Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateFindingsFilter API operation.
Update-MAC2MacieSession Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateMacieSession API operation.
Update-MAC2MemberSession Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateMemberSession API operation.
Update-MAC2OrganizationConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateOrganizationConfiguration API operation.
Update-MAC2ResourceProfile Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateResourceProfile API operation.
Update-MAC2ResourceProfileDetection Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateResourceProfileDetections API operation.
Update-MAC2RevealConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateRevealConfiguration API operation.
Update-MAC2SensitivityInspectionTemplate Calls the Amazon Macie 2 UpdateSensitivityInspectionTemplate API operation.
Update-MAC2UpdateAutomatedDiscoveryAccount Calls the Amazon Macie 2 BatchUpdateAutomatedDiscoveryAccounts API operation.
Write-MAC2ClassificationExportConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 PutClassificationExportConfiguration API operation.
Write-MAC2FindingsPublicationConfiguration Calls the Amazon Macie 2 PutFindingsPublicationConfiguration API operation.