AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-PROResourceTag Calls the AWS Proton TagResource API operation.
Approve-PROEnvironmentAccountConnection Calls the AWS Proton AcceptEnvironmentAccountConnection API operation.
Deny-PROEnvironmentAccountConnection Calls the AWS Proton RejectEnvironmentAccountConnection API operation.
Edit-PROResourceDeploymentStatusChange Calls the AWS Proton NotifyResourceDeploymentStatusChange API operation.
Get-PROAccountSetting Calls the AWS Proton GetAccountSettings API operation.
Get-PROComponent Calls the AWS Proton GetComponent API operation.
Get-PROComponentList Calls the AWS Proton ListComponents API operation.
Get-PROComponentOutputList Calls the AWS Proton ListComponentOutputs API operation.
Get-PROComponentProvisionedResourceList Calls the AWS Proton ListComponentProvisionedResources API operation.
Get-PRODeployment Calls the AWS Proton GetDeployment API operation.
Get-PRODeploymentList Calls the AWS Proton ListDeployments API operation.
Get-PROEnvironment Calls the AWS Proton GetEnvironment API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentAccountConnection Calls the AWS Proton GetEnvironmentAccountConnection API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentAccountConnectionList Calls the AWS Proton ListEnvironmentAccountConnections API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentList Calls the AWS Proton ListEnvironments API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentOutputList Calls the AWS Proton ListEnvironmentOutputs API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentProvisionedResourceList Calls the AWS Proton ListEnvironmentProvisionedResources API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentTemplate Calls the AWS Proton GetEnvironmentTemplate API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentTemplateList Calls the AWS Proton ListEnvironmentTemplates API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton GetEnvironmentTemplateVersion API operation.
Get-PROEnvironmentTemplateVersionList Calls the AWS Proton ListEnvironmentTemplateVersions API operation.
Get-PRORepository Calls the AWS Proton GetRepository API operation.
Get-PRORepositoryList Calls the AWS Proton ListRepositories API operation.
Get-PRORepositorySyncDefinitionList Calls the AWS Proton ListRepositorySyncDefinitions API operation.
Get-PRORepositorySyncStatus Calls the AWS Proton GetRepositorySyncStatus API operation.
Get-PROResourcesSummary Calls the AWS Proton GetResourcesSummary API operation.
Get-PROResourceTag Calls the AWS Proton ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-PROService Calls the AWS Proton GetService API operation.
Get-PROServiceInstance Calls the AWS Proton GetServiceInstance API operation.
Get-PROServiceInstanceList Calls the AWS Proton ListServiceInstances API operation.
Get-PROServiceInstanceOutputList Calls the AWS Proton ListServiceInstanceOutputs API operation.
Get-PROServiceInstanceProvisionedResourceList Calls the AWS Proton ListServiceInstanceProvisionedResources API operation.
Get-PROServiceInstanceSyncStatus Calls the AWS Proton GetServiceInstanceSyncStatus API operation.
Get-PROServiceList Calls the AWS Proton ListServices API operation.
Get-PROServicePipelineOutputList Calls the AWS Proton ListServicePipelineOutputs API operation.
Get-PROServicePipelineProvisionedResourceList Calls the AWS Proton ListServicePipelineProvisionedResources API operation.
Get-PROServiceSyncBlockerSummary Calls the AWS Proton GetServiceSyncBlockerSummary API operation.
Get-PROServiceSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton GetServiceSyncConfig API operation.
Get-PROServiceTemplate Calls the AWS Proton GetServiceTemplate API operation.
Get-PROServiceTemplateList Calls the AWS Proton ListServiceTemplates API operation.
Get-PROServiceTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton GetServiceTemplateVersion API operation.
Get-PROServiceTemplateVersionList Calls the AWS Proton ListServiceTemplateVersions API operation.
Get-PROTemplateSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton GetTemplateSyncConfig API operation.
Get-PROTemplateSyncStatus Calls the AWS Proton GetTemplateSyncStatus API operation.
New-PROComponent Calls the AWS Proton CreateComponent API operation.
New-PROEnvironment Calls the AWS Proton CreateEnvironment API operation.
New-PROEnvironmentAccountConnection Calls the AWS Proton CreateEnvironmentAccountConnection API operation.
New-PROEnvironmentTemplate Calls the AWS Proton CreateEnvironmentTemplate API operation.
New-PROEnvironmentTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton CreateEnvironmentTemplateVersion API operation.
New-PRORepository Calls the AWS Proton CreateRepository API operation.
New-PROService Calls the AWS Proton CreateService API operation.
New-PROServiceInstance Calls the AWS Proton CreateServiceInstance API operation.
New-PROServiceSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton CreateServiceSyncConfig API operation.
New-PROServiceTemplate Calls the AWS Proton CreateServiceTemplate API operation.
New-PROServiceTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton CreateServiceTemplateVersion API operation.
New-PROTemplateSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton CreateTemplateSyncConfig API operation.
Remove-PROComponent Calls the AWS Proton DeleteComponent API operation.
Remove-PRODeployment Calls the AWS Proton DeleteDeployment API operation.
Remove-PROEnvironment Calls the AWS Proton DeleteEnvironment API operation.
Remove-PROEnvironmentAccountConnection Calls the AWS Proton DeleteEnvironmentAccountConnection API operation.
Remove-PROEnvironmentTemplate Calls the AWS Proton DeleteEnvironmentTemplate API operation.
Remove-PROEnvironmentTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton DeleteEnvironmentTemplateVersion API operation.
Remove-PRORepository Calls the AWS Proton DeleteRepository API operation.
Remove-PROResourceTag Calls the AWS Proton UntagResource API operation.
Remove-PROService Calls the AWS Proton DeleteService API operation.
Remove-PROServiceSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton DeleteServiceSyncConfig API operation.
Remove-PROServiceTemplate Calls the AWS Proton DeleteServiceTemplate API operation.
Remove-PROServiceTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton DeleteServiceTemplateVersion API operation.
Remove-PROTemplateSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton DeleteTemplateSyncConfig API operation.
Stop-PROComponentDeployment Calls the AWS Proton CancelComponentDeployment API operation.
Stop-PROEnvironmentDeployment Calls the AWS Proton CancelEnvironmentDeployment API operation.
Stop-PROServiceInstanceDeployment Calls the AWS Proton CancelServiceInstanceDeployment API operation.
Stop-PROServicePipelineDeployment Calls the AWS Proton CancelServicePipelineDeployment API operation.
Update-PROAccountSetting Calls the AWS Proton UpdateAccountSettings API operation.
Update-PROComponent Calls the AWS Proton UpdateComponent API operation.
Update-PROEnvironment Calls the AWS Proton UpdateEnvironment API operation.
Update-PROEnvironmentAccountConnection Calls the AWS Proton UpdateEnvironmentAccountConnection API operation.
Update-PROEnvironmentTemplate Calls the AWS Proton UpdateEnvironmentTemplate API operation.
Update-PROEnvironmentTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton UpdateEnvironmentTemplateVersion API operation.
Update-PROService Calls the AWS Proton UpdateService API operation.
Update-PROServiceInstance Calls the AWS Proton UpdateServiceInstance API operation.
Update-PROServicePipeline Calls the AWS Proton UpdateServicePipeline API operation.
Update-PROServiceSyncBlocker Calls the AWS Proton UpdateServiceSyncBlocker API operation.
Update-PROServiceSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton UpdateServiceSyncConfig API operation.
Update-PROServiceTemplate Calls the AWS Proton UpdateServiceTemplate API operation.
Update-PROServiceTemplateVersion Calls the AWS Proton UpdateServiceTemplateVersion API operation.
Update-PROTemplateSyncConfig Calls the AWS Proton UpdateTemplateSyncConfig API operation.