AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Name Description
Add-AWSLoggingListener Adds a listener to aws service calls and enable logging.
Clear-AWSCredential Clears the set of AWS credentials currently set as default in the shell or, if supplied with a name, deletes the set of credentials associated with the supplied name from the local credentials store.
Clear-AWSDefaultConfiguration Clears the persisted credentials associated with the credential profile names 'default' and 'AWS PS Default', plus any credentials and region data currently set in the session's shell variables. To clear the stored default credentials only, use the -SkipShell parameter. To affect the current shell only, use the -SkipProfileStore parameter.
Clear-AWSHistory Clears the contents of the AWS cmdlet history buffer ($AWSHistory) in the current shell.
Clear-AWSProxy Clears AWS default proxy for the shell. Subsequent AWS cmdlet invocations will not use a proxy.
Clear-DefaultAWSRegion Clears any default AWS region set in the shell variable $StoredAWSRegion.
ConvertFrom-DDBItem Converts a dictionary of DynamoDB attribute values to a dictionary of types commonly used in PowerShell.
ConvertTo-DDBItem Converts a dictionary of types commonly used in PowerShell to a dictionary of DynamoDB attribute values.
Disable-AWSMetricsLogging Disable logging of metrics data for AWS service requests.
Enable-AWSMetricsLogging Enable logging of metrics data for AWS service requests.
Get-AWSCmdletName Searches for cmdlets that invoke a Amazon Web Services service operation, map to an AWS CLI command, or lists all cmdlets that belong to a service identified by one or more words in its name or its cmdlet noun prefix. If no service name or pattern is given all service cmdlets are output.
Get-AWSCredential Returns an AWSCredentials object initialized with from either credentials currently set as default in the shell or saved and associated with the supplied name from a local credential store. Optionally the cmdlet can list the names, types, and locations of all sets of credentials held in the store.
Get-AWSPowerShellVersion Displays version and copyright information for the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to the shell. If the ListServiceVersionInfo switch is specifiedthe services and their API versions supported by this module are also displayed.
Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange Returns the public IP address range data for Amazon Web Services. Each address range instance contains the service key, host region and IP address range (in CIDR notation).
Get-AWSRegion Returns the set of available AWS regions.
Get-AWSSensitiveDataConfiguration Gets the current configuration settings for sensitive data display in PowerShell output.
Get-AWSService Returns the name of the AWS services supported by the current version of AWS Tools for PowerShell, optionally restricting the scope of the search to a specific service which can be identified using one or more words from the service name or the prefix applied to the nouns of cmdlets belonging to the service.
Get-DefaultAWSRegion Returns the current default AWS region for this shell, if any, as held in the shell variable $StoredAWSRegion.
Initialize-AWSDefaultConfiguration Creates or updates the credential profile named 'default' using supplied keys, existing credentials or profile, or EC2 metadata. The profile and a default region is then set active in the current shell.
Initialize-AWSSSOConfiguration Creates or updates a profile with the configuration values required to use AWS SSO.
Invoke-AWSSSOLogin Retrieves and caches an AWS SSO access token to exchange for AWS credentials.
Invoke-AWSSSOLogout By default, removes all cached AWS SSO tokens across all profiles.
New-AWSCredential Returns a populated AWSCredentials instance.
Remove-AWSCredentialProfile Removes the credential profile with the supplied name from one of the local credential stores.
Remove-AWSLoggingListener Removes a logger from the specified source (e.g. 'Amazon', or 'Amazon.S3') by name.
Set-AWSCredential Saves AWS credentials to persistent store (-StoreAs) or temporarily for the shell using shell variable $StoredAWSCredentials.Note that temporary session-based credentials cannot be saved to the persistent store.
Set-AWSHistoryConfiguration Configures how the $AWSHistory session variable records AWS cmdlet processing.
Set-AWSProxy Sets AWS default proxy for the shell. Subsequent AWS cmdlet invocations will use the configured proxy.
Set-AWSResponseLogging Modify response logging options for AWS service requests.
Set-AWSSamlEndpoint Creates or updates an endpoint settings definition for use with SAML role profiles.
Set-AWSSamlRoleProfile Creates or updates one or more role profiles for use with authentication against a SAML-based federated identity provider to obtain temporary role-based AWS credentials.
Set-AWSSensitiveDataConfiguration Controls the display of sensitive information in the PowerShell console output. When set to true, sensitive data is shown in plain text in the console output.
Set-AWSSSOSessionConfiguration Creates or updates an SSO profile with the configuration values required to use AWS SSO.
Set-DefaultAWSRegion Sets a default AWS region system name (e.g. us-west-2, eu-west-1 etc) into the shell variable $StoredAWSRegion. AWS cmdlets will use the value of this variable to satisfy their -Region parameter if the parameter is not specified.


Name Description
Clear-AWSCredentials Clears the set of AWS credentials currently set as default in the shell or, if supplied with a name, deletes the set of credentials associated with the supplied name from the local credentials store.
Clear-AWSDefaults Clears the persisted credentials associated with the credential profile names 'default' and 'AWS PS Default', plus any credentials and region data currently set in the session's shell variables. To clear the stored default credentials only, use the -SkipShell parameter. To affect the current shell only, use the -SkipProfileStore parameter.
Get-AWSCredentials Returns an AWSCredentials object initialized with from either credentials currently set as default in the shell or saved and associated with the supplied name from a local credential store. Optionally the cmdlet can list the names, types, and locations of all sets of credentials held in the store.
Initialize-AWSDefaults Creates or updates the credential profile named 'default' using supplied keys, existing credentials or profile, or EC2 metadata. The profile and a default region is then set active in the current shell.
New-AWSCredentials Returns a populated AWSCredentials instance.
Set-AWSCredentials Saves AWS credentials to persistent store (-StoreAs) or temporarily for the shell using shell variable $StoredAWSCredentials.Note that temporary session-based credentials cannot be saved to the persistent store.