Updates an access control configuration for your documents in an index. This includes user and group access information for your documents. This is useful for user context filtering, where search results are filtered based on the user or their group access to documents.
You can update an access control configuration you created without indexing all of your documents again. For example, your index contains top-secret company documents that only certain employees or users should access. You created an 'allow' access control configuration for one user who recently joined the 'top-secret' team, switching from a team with 'deny' access to top-secret documents. However, the user suddenly returns to their previous team and should no longer have access to top secret documents. You can update the access control configuration to re-configure access control for your documents as circumstances change.
You call the
BatchPutDocument API to apply the updated access control configuration, with the
AccessControlConfigurationId included in the
Document object. If you use an S3 bucket as a data source, you synchronize your data source to apply the
AccessControlConfigurationId in the
.metadata.json file. Amazon Kendra currently only supports access control configuration for S3 data sources and documents indexed using the
BatchPutDocument API.