AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-WATResourceTag Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool TagResource API operation.
Convert-WATLensReview Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpgradeLensReview API operation.
Convert-WATReviewTemplateLensReview Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpgradeReviewTemplateLensReview API operation.
Export-WATLens Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ExportLens API operation.
Get-WATAnswer Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetAnswer API operation.
Get-WATAnswerList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListAnswers API operation.
Get-WATCheckDetailList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListCheckDetails API operation.
Get-WATCheckSummaryList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListCheckSummaries API operation.
Get-WATConsolidatedReport Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetConsolidatedReport API operation.
Get-WATGlobalSetting Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetGlobalSettings API operation.
Get-WATLens Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetLens API operation.
Get-WATLensList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListLenses API operation.
Get-WATLensReview Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetLensReview API operation.
Get-WATLensReviewImprovementList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListLensReviewImprovements API operation.
Get-WATLensReviewList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListLensReviews API operation.
Get-WATLensReviewReport Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetLensReviewReport API operation.
Get-WATLensShareList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListLensShares API operation.
Get-WATLensVersionDifference Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetLensVersionDifference API operation.
Get-WATMilestone Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetMilestone API operation.
Get-WATMilestoneList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListMilestones API operation.
Get-WATNotificationList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListNotifications API operation.
Get-WATProfile Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetProfile API operation.
Get-WATProfileList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListProfiles API operation.
Get-WATProfileNotificationList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListProfileNotifications API operation.
Get-WATProfileShareList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListProfileShares API operation.
Get-WATProfileTemplate Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetProfileTemplate API operation.
Get-WATResourceTag Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-WATReviewTemplate Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetReviewTemplate API operation.
Get-WATReviewTemplateAnswer Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetReviewTemplateAnswer API operation.
Get-WATReviewTemplateAnswerList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListReviewTemplateAnswers API operation.
Get-WATReviewTemplateLensReview Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetReviewTemplateLensReview API operation.
Get-WATReviewTemplateList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListReviewTemplates API operation.
Get-WATShareInvitationList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListShareInvitations API operation.
Get-WATTemplateShareList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListTemplateShares API operation.
Get-WATWorkload Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool GetWorkload API operation.
Get-WATWorkloadList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListWorkloads API operation.
Get-WATWorkloadShareList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListWorkloadShares API operation.
Import-WATLens Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ImportLens API operation.
New-WATLensShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateLensShare API operation.
New-WATLensVersion Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateLensVersion API operation.
New-WATMilestone Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateMilestone API operation.
New-WATProfile Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateProfile API operation.
New-WATProfileShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateProfileShare API operation.
New-WATReviewTemplate Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateReviewTemplate API operation.
New-WATTemplateShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateTemplateShare API operation.
New-WATWorkload Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateWorkload API operation.
New-WATWorkloadShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool CreateWorkloadShare API operation.
Register-WATLens Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool AssociateLenses API operation.
Register-WATProfile Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool AssociateProfiles API operation.
Remove-WATLens Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteLens API operation.
Remove-WATLensShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteLensShare API operation.
Remove-WATProfile Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteProfile API operation.
Remove-WATProfileShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteProfileShare API operation.
Remove-WATResourceTag Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UntagResource API operation.
Remove-WATReviewTemplate Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteReviewTemplate API operation.
Remove-WATTemplateShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteTemplateShare API operation.
Remove-WATWorkload Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteWorkload API operation.
Remove-WATWorkloadShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DeleteWorkloadShare API operation.
Unregister-WATLens Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DisassociateLenses API operation.
Unregister-WATProfile Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DisassociateProfiles API operation.
Update-WATAnswer Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateAnswer API operation.
Update-WATGlobalSetting Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateGlobalSettings API operation.
Update-WATIntegration Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateIntegration API operation.
Update-WATLensReview Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateLensReview API operation.
Update-WATProfile Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateProfile API operation.
Update-WATProfileVersion Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpgradeProfileVersion API operation.
Update-WATReviewTemplate Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateReviewTemplate API operation.
Update-WATReviewTemplateAnswer Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateReviewTemplateAnswer API operation.
Update-WATReviewTemplateLensReview Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateReviewTemplateLensReview API operation.
Update-WATShareInvitation Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateShareInvitation API operation.
Update-WATWorkload Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateWorkload API operation.
Update-WATWorkloadShare Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool UpdateWorkloadShare API operation.


Name Description
Add-WATLense Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool AssociateLenses API operation.
Get-WATLenseList Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool ListLenses API operation.
Remove-WATLense Calls the AWS Well-Architected Tool DisassociateLenses API operation.