PutPermission permits the specified Amazon Web Services account or Amazon Web Services organization to put events to the specified
event bus. Amazon EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rules in your account are triggered by these events arriving to an event bus in your account.
For another account to send events to your account, that external account must have an EventBridge rule with your account's event bus as a target.
To enable multiple Amazon Web Services accounts to put events to your event bus, run
PutPermission once for each of these accounts. Or, if all the accounts are members of the same Amazon Web Services organization, you can run
PutPermission once specifying
Principal as "*" and specifying the Amazon Web Services organization ID in
Condition, to grant permissions to all accounts in that organization.
If you grant permissions using an organization, then accounts in that organization must specify a
RoleArn with proper permissions when they use
PutTarget to add your account's event bus as a target. For more information, see
Sending and Receiving Events Between Amazon Web Services Accounts in the
Amazon EventBridge User Guide.
The permission policy on the event bus cannot exceed 10 KB in size.