Iterating the 6 Rs migration strategy selection - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Iterating the 6 Rs migration strategy selection

At this stage, we recommend that you iterate and evolve the 6 Rs decision tree. The Determining the R type for migration section introduced a default decision tree. We recommend revising the tree, considering the learnings throughout migration of the initial pilot applications, and ensuring that it still aligns to business drivers, prioritization criteria, and your unique circumstances. Validate the decision tree with sample applications, and verify that it still produces the expected strategy. Otherwise, update the logic accordingly. The resulting tree will be key in establishing baselines for the portfolio of applications and in allocating migration strategies for each application component.

As described in the previous 6 Rs section, the 6 Rs also apply to infrastructure, and it is equally important to assign them accordingly. While a given application component will have a migration strategy, at an infrastructure level, each infrastructure asset will follow a given migration strategy that might be different from the strategy established for the application component it supports.

Remember that the 6 Rs decision tree applies to application components only. The migration strategy for infrastructure is derived from the strategy chosen for the application. For example, for an application component that will be replatformed, the current infrastructure that hosts it could be retired.

Ensure that migration strategies are allocated to each application component and its associated infrastructure. This information will be a key factor when estimating effort, capacity, and skills needed, and when creating migration wave plans.

For more information about determining your 6 Rs, see the AWS Migration Hub strategy recommendations.