Create jobs and schedules in Control-M Planning - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Create jobs and schedules in Control-M Planning

Now that you have the plug-in deployed and a connection profile for Micro Focus connectivity, you can start creating and running jobs.

Each Control-M for Micro Focus job consists of a set of attributes, in four sections. Each section can have many attributes. The following list shows some of the more commonly used attributes.

  • General:

    • The job name

    • The application and sub-application that the job belongs to

    • The JCL to submit

    • A link to site-provided operational documentation

  • Scheduling:

    • Months and Days this job is eligible to run

    • Calendars such as a business accounting periods, holidays, or other special dates that cannot be defined algorithmically

    • Time windows

    • Cyclic behavior such as running every hour

  • Prerequisites

    • Upstream dependencies (usually jobs, which must be completed successfully before this job becomes eligible to run)

    • Resources that might be required

    • User action that might be required

  • Actions performed by Control-M upon completion of the job:

    • Determining job success or failure (usually based on the job's completion codes, but you can override that setting to use output text or checks for a specific status)

    • Notifications, such as email, for failure or success

    • Publishing status for downstream dependencies

As with connection profiles, jobs can be created and deployed by using Control-M Web or written in JSON and deployed by using Control-M Automation API.

The following sections examine some common workflow scenarios: