Modernize - AWS Prescriptive Guidance


During this phase, you determine project goals and resource requirements, and you build out the implementation roadmap. The goal is to revitalize your applications by using a modernization program that creates a modern, agile application architecture.


  • Determine the milestones for converting your applications’ source code and data.

  • Complete the mapping of all operational areas to ensure that required standards and procedures for operating and administering the new target environment are addressed.

  • Implement an infrastructure solution that can address your reliability, accessibility, and growth requirements by using cloud-native approaches and best-of-breed languages and frameworks. The components of a modernized application have these characteristics:

    • Packaged as lightweight containers

    • Designed as loosely coupled microservices

    • Centered around APIs for interaction and collaboration

    • Architected with a clean separation of stateless and stateful services

    • Isolated from server and operating system dependencies

    • Deployed on self-service, elastic, cloud infrastructure

    • Managed through agile DevOps processes

    • Include automated capabilities

    • Provide defined, policy-driven resource allocation


  • Target state data model design

  • Organizational readiness built though training and tool improvements (change management and operational model)

  • Regular cadence established for change activities

  • Refined operating model and measurement of delivery effectiveness

  • Key business case metrics, which are tracked and reported for value delivered

  • Continuation of refinement and automation activities

  • A modernization roadmap that defines the strategy that is applied to each application and how it can scale

  • Preparation and implementation of modernization, including iterative testing deliveries that are synchronized with the new application roadmap


The following diagram shows modernization options for legacy Windows applications.

Phases of the application modernization process

How-to guide