Set up ingestion from an existing Prometheus server in Kubernetes on Fargate - Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Set up ingestion from an existing Prometheus server in Kubernetes on Fargate

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus supports ingesting metrics from Prometheus servers in self-managed Kubernetes clusters running on Fargate. To ingest metrics from Prometheus servers in Amazon EKS clusters running on Fargate, override the default configs in a config file named amp_ingest_override_values.yaml as follows:

prometheus-node-exporter: enabled: false alertmanager: enabled: false serviceAccounts: server: name: amp-iamproxy-ingest-service-account annotations: ${IAM_PROXY_PROMETHEUS_ROLE_ARN} server: persistentVolume: enabled: false remoteWrite: - url: https://aps-workspaces.${REGION}${WORKSPACE_ID}/api/v1/remote_write sigv4: region: ${REGION} queue_config: max_samples_per_send: 1000 max_shards: 200 capacity: 2500

Install Prometheus using the overrides with the following command:

helm install prometheus-for-amp prometheus-community/prometheus \ -n prometheus \ -f amp_ingest_override_values.yaml

Note that in the Helm chart configuration we disabled the node exporter and the alert manager as well as running the Prometheus server deployment.

You can verify the install with the following example test query.

$ awscurl --region region --service aps "" {"status":"success","data":{"resultType":"vector","result":[{"metric":{"__name__":"prometheus_api_remote_read_queries","instance":"localhost:9090","job":"prometheus"},"value":[1648461236.419,"0"]}]}}21