What are Prometheus-compatible metrics? - Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

What are Prometheus-compatible metrics?

To scrape Prometheus metrics from your applications and infrastructure for use in Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, they must instrument and expose Prometheus-compatible metrics from Prometheus-compatible /metrics endpoints. You can implement your own metrics, but you don't have to. Kubernetes (including Amazon EKS) and many other libraries and services implement these metrics directly.

When metrics in Amazon EKS are exported to a Prometheus-compatible endpoint, you can have those metrics automatically scraped by the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector.

For more information, see the following topics:

  • For more information about existing libraries and services that export metrics as Prometheus metrics, see Exporters and integrations in the Prometheus documentation.

  • For more information about exporting Prometheus-compatible metrics from your own code, see Writing exporters in the Prometheus documentation.

  • For more information about how to set up an Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector to scrape metrics from your Amazon EKS clusters automatically, see Using an AWS managed collector.