Using git repositories with AWS Proton - AWS Proton

Using git repositories with AWS Proton

AWS Proton uses git repositories for a variety of purposes. The following list categorizes the repository types associated with AWS Proton resources. For AWS Proton features that repeatedly connect to your repository to either push content to it or pull content from it, you have to register a repository link with AWS Proton in your AWS account. A repository link is a set of properties that AWS Proton can use when it connects to a repository. AWS Proton currently supports GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, and BitBucket.

Developer repositories

Code repository – A repository that developers use to store application code. Used for code deployment. AWS Proton doesn't interact directly with this repository. When a developer provisions a service that includes a pipeline, they provide the repository name and branch to read their application code from. AWS Proton passes this information to the pipeline that it provisions.

For more information, see Create a service.

Administrator repositories

Template repository – A repository where administrators store AWS Proton template bundles. Used for template sync. When an administrator creates a template in AWS Proton, they can point to a template repository, and AWS Proton keeps the new template in sync with it. When the administrator updates the template bundle in the repository, AWS Proton automatically creates a new template version. Link a template repository to AWS Proton before you can use it for syncing.

For more information, see Template sync configurations.


A template repository isn't required if you continue to upload your templates to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and call the AWS Proton template management APIs to create new templates or template versions.

Self-managed provisioning repositories

Infrastructure repository – A repository that hosts rendered infrastructure templates. Used for self-managed provisioning of resource infrastructure. When an administrator creates an environment for self-managed provisioning, they provide a repository. AWS Proton submits pull requests (PRs) to this repository to create the infrastructure for the environment and for any service instance deployed to the environment. Link an infrastructure repository to AWS Proton before you can use it for self-managed infrastructure provisioning.

Pipeline repository – A repository used to create pipelines. Used for self-managed provisioning of pipelines. Using an additional repository to provision pipelines allows AWS Proton to store pipeline configurations independently from any individual environment or service. You only need to provide a single pipeline repository for all your self-managed provisioning services. Link a pipeline repository to AWS Proton before you can use it for self-managed pipeline provisioning.

For more information, see How AWS-managed provisioning works.