Use GetAuthorizationToken com um AWS SDK ou CLI - AWS Exemplos de código do SDK

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Use GetAuthorizationToken com um AWS SDK ou CLI

Os exemplos de códigos a seguir mostram como usar GetAuthorizationToken.

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Para obter um token de autorização para seu registro padrão

O comando de get-authorization-token exemplo a seguir obtém um token de autorização para seu registro padrão.

aws ecr get-authorization-token


{ "authorizationData": [ { "authorizationToken": "QVdTOkN...", "expiresAt": 1448875853.241, "proxyEndpoint": "" } ] }
SDK para Java 2.x

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/** * Retrieves the authorization token for Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). * This method makes an asynchronous call to the ECR client to retrieve the authorization token. * If the operation is successful, the method prints the token to the console. * If an exception occurs, the method handles the exception and prints the error message. * * @throws EcrException if there is an error retrieving the authorization token from ECR. * @throws RuntimeException if there is an unexpected error during the operation. */ public void getAuthToken() { CompletableFuture<GetAuthorizationTokenResponse> response = getAsyncClient().getAuthorizationToken(); response.whenComplete((authorizationTokenResponse, ex) -> { if (authorizationTokenResponse != null) { AuthorizationData authorizationData = authorizationTokenResponse.authorizationData().get(0); String token = authorizationData.authorizationToken(); if (!token.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("The token was successfully retrieved."); } } else { if (ex.getCause() instanceof EcrException) { throw (EcrException) ex.getCause(); } else { String errorMessage = "Unexpected error occurred: " + ex.getMessage(); throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, ex); // Rethrow the exception } } }); response.join(); }
SDK para Kotlin

Tem mais sobre GitHub. Encontre o exemplo completo e veja como configurar e executar no AWS Code Examples Repository.

/** * Retrieves the authorization token for Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). * */ suspend fun getAuthToken() { EcrClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { ecrClient -> // Retrieve the authorization token for ECR. val response = ecrClient.getAuthorizationToken() val authorizationData = response.authorizationData?.get(0) val token = authorizationData?.authorizationToken if (token != null) { println("The token was successfully retrieved.") } } }