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Use PutObjectAcl
com um AWS SDK ou CLI
Os exemplos de código a seguir mostram como usar o PutObjectAcl
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- SDK para C++
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. bool AwsDoc::S3::putObjectAcl(const Aws::String &bucketName, const Aws::String &objectKey, const Aws::String &ownerID, const Aws::String &granteePermission, const Aws::String &granteeType, const Aws::String &granteeID, const Aws::String &granteeEmailAddress, const Aws::String &granteeURI, const Aws::S3::S3ClientConfiguration &clientConfig) { Aws::S3::S3Client s3Client(clientConfig); Aws::S3::Model::Owner owner; owner.SetID(ownerID); Aws::S3::Model::Grantee grantee; grantee.SetType(setGranteeType(granteeType)); if (!granteeEmailAddress.empty()) { grantee.SetEmailAddress(granteeEmailAddress); } if (!granteeID.empty()) { grantee.SetID(granteeID); } if (!granteeURI.empty()) { grantee.SetURI(granteeURI); } Aws::S3::Model::Grant grant; grant.SetGrantee(grantee); grant.SetPermission(setGranteePermission(granteePermission)); Aws::Vector<Aws::S3::Model::Grant> grants; grants.push_back(grant); Aws::S3::Model::AccessControlPolicy acp; acp.SetOwner(owner); acp.SetGrants(grants); Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectAclRequest request; request.SetAccessControlPolicy(acp); request.SetBucket(bucketName); request.SetKey(objectKey); Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectAclOutcome outcome = s3Client.PutObjectAcl(request); if (!outcome.IsSuccess()) { auto error = outcome.GetError(); std::cerr << "Error: putObjectAcl: " << error.GetExceptionName() << " - " << error.GetMessage() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Successfully added an ACL to the object '" << objectKey << "' in the bucket '" << bucketName << "'." << std::endl; } return outcome.IsSuccess(); } //! Routine which converts a human-readable string to a built-in type enumeration. /*! \param access: Human readable string. \return Permission: Permission enumeration. */ Aws::S3::Model::Permission setGranteePermission(const Aws::String &access) { if (access == "FULL_CONTROL") return Aws::S3::Model::Permission::FULL_CONTROL; if (access == "WRITE") return Aws::S3::Model::Permission::WRITE; if (access == "READ") return Aws::S3::Model::Permission::READ; if (access == "WRITE_ACP") return Aws::S3::Model::Permission::WRITE_ACP; if (access == "READ_ACP") return Aws::S3::Model::Permission::READ_ACP; return Aws::S3::Model::Permission::NOT_SET; } //! Routine which converts a human-readable string to a built-in type enumeration. /*! \param type: Human readable string. \return Type: Type enumeration. */ Aws::S3::Model::Type setGranteeType(const Aws::String &type) { if (type == "Amazon customer by email") return Aws::S3::Model::Type::AmazonCustomerByEmail; if (type == "Canonical user") return Aws::S3::Model::Type::CanonicalUser; if (type == "Group") return Aws::S3::Model::Type::Group; return Aws::S3::Model::Type::NOT_SET; }
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