Understanding dashboard metrics - Amazon CodeGuru Security

Amazon CodeGuru Security is in preview release and is subject to change.

Understanding dashboard metrics

The dashboard page in the CodeGuru Security console shows high-level metrics about findings generated by all scans in an account. The dashboard page visually shows key insights about security issues in your application that you can use to drive business decisions related to the security of your code. Use the dashboard as a vulnerability-tracking tool for your applications by monitoring metrics to track the security of your code over time.

To see metrics for your account, go to the Dashboard page in the CodeGuru Security console. There are two sections, a findings overview and a vulnerability fix overview. The findings overview includes metrics about open and critical findings, finding severity, vulnerabilities, and more. The vulnerability resolution overview section provides metrics related to closed findings.

To get account metrics with the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs, call GetMetricsSummary or ListFindingsMetrics.

This section explains the metrics in the dashboard and how to interpret them.