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AWS Config envia uma notificação de falha na entrega se não AWS Config conseguir entregar o snapshot de configuração ou uma notificação de alteração de item de configuração de tamanho grande para seu bucket do Amazon S3. Verificar se você especificou um bucket do Amazon S3 válido.
View the Timeline for this Resource in the Console: The full configuration item change notification for this resource exceeded the maximum size allowed by Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). A summary of the configuration item is provided here. You can view the complete notification in the specified Amazon S3 bucket location. New State Record Summary: ---------------------------- { "configurationItemSummary": { "changeType": "UPDATE", "configurationItemVersion": "1.2", "configurationItemCaptureTime": "2016-10-06T16:46:13.749Z", "configurationStateId": 0, "awsAccountId": "123456789012", "configurationItemStatus": "OK", "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "resourceId": "test_resourceId_014b953d-75e3-40ce-96b9-c7240b975457", "resourceName": null, "ARN": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:123456789012:instance/test_resourceId_014b953d-75e3-40ce-96b9-c7240b975457", "awsRegion": "us-west-2", "availabilityZone": null, "configurationStateMd5Hash": "6de64b95eacd30e7b63d4bba7cd80814", "resourceCreationTime": "2016-10-06T16:46:10.489Z" }, "s3DeliverySummary": { "s3BucketLocation": null, "errorCode": "NoSuchBucket", "errorMessage": "Failed to deliver notification to bucket: bucket-example for account 123456789012 in region us-west-2." }, "notificationCreationTime": "2016-10-06T16:46:13.749Z", "messageType": "OversizedConfigurationItemChangeDeliveryFailed", "recordVersion": "1.0" }