AWS Schema Conversion Tool - Oracle to Aurora PostgreSQL Migration Playbook

AWS Schema Conversion Tool

The AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) is a Java utility that connects to source and target databases, scans the source database schema objects (tables, views, indexes, procedures, and so on), and converts them to target database objects.

This section provides a step-by-step process for using AWS SCT to migrate an Oracle database to an Aurora PostgreSQL database cluster. Since AWS SCT can automatically migrate most of the database objects, it greatly reduces manual effort.

We recommend to start every migration with the process outlined in this section and then use the rest of the Playbook to further explore manual solutions for objects that could not be migrated automatically. For more information, see AWS SCT user guide.


This walkthrough uses the AWS DMS Sample Database. You can download it from GitHub.

Download the Software and Drivers

Download and install AWS SCT from the AWS SCT user guide.

Download the Oracle Database and PostgreSQL drivers.

Find other supported drivers in the AWS SCT user guide.

Configure AWS SCT

  1. Start AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT).

  2. Choose Settings and then choose Global settings.

  3. On the left navigation bar, choose Drivers.

  4. Enter the paths for the Oracle and PostgreSQL drivers downloaded in the first step.

    Enter the paths for the Oracle and PostgreSQL drivers

  5. Choose Apply and then OK.

Create a New Migration Project

  1. Choose File, and then choose New project wizard. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W.

  2. Enter a project name and select a location for the project files. Choose Next.

  3. Enter connection details for the source Oracle database and choose Test connection to verify. Choose Next.

  4. Select the schema or database to migrate and choose Next.

The progress bar displays the objects that AWS SCT analyzes. What AWS SCT completes the analysis, the application displays the database migration assessment report. Read the Executive summary and other sections. Note that the information on the screen is only partial. To read the full report, including details of the individual issues, choose Save to PDF at the top right and open the PDF document.

Database Migration assessment report

Scroll down to the Database objects with conversion actions for Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible) section.

Conversion statistics

Scroll further down to the Detailed recommendations for Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible) migrations section.

Detailed recommendations

Return to AWS SCT and choose Next. Enter the connection details for the target Aurora PostgreSQL database and choose Finish.

When the connection is complete, AWS SCT displays the main window. In this interface, you can explore the individual issues and recommendations discovered by AWS SCT.

For example, expand sample database, dms sample, Procedures, generate_tickets. This issue has a red marker indicating it could not be automatically converted and requires a manual code change (issue 811 above). Select the object to highlight the incompatible code section.

Conversion issue in the generate tickets procedure

Right-click the schema and then choose Create report to create a report tailored for the target database type. You can view this report in AWS SCT.

The progress bar updates while the report is generated.

AWS SCT displays the executive summary page of the database migration assessment report.

Assessment report executive summary

Choose Action items. In this window, you can investigate each issue in detail and view the suggested course of action. For each issue, drill down to view all instances of that issue.

Assessment report action items tab

Right-click the database name and choose Convert schema. Make sure that you uncheck the sys and information_schema system schemas. Aurora PostgreSQL already has an information_schema schema.

Convert database schema

This step doesn’t make any changes to the target database.

On the right pane, AWS SCT displays the new virtual schema as if it exists in the target database. Drilling down into individual objects displays the actual syntax generated by AWS SCT to migrate the objects.

Right-click the database on the right pane and choose either Apply to database to automatically run the conversion script against the target database, or choose Save as SQL to save to an SQL file.

Apply converted code to database

We recommend saving to an SQL file because you can verify and QA the converted code. Also, you can make the adjustments needed for objects that could not be automatically converted.

For more information, see the Schema Conversion Tool User Guide.