Default DRS launch settings - AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Default DRS launch settings

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) allows you to configure the default launch settings and change them at any time.

The default launch settings apply to any new source server added to AWS DRS. You will be prompted to configure your default launch settings upon your first use of AWS DRS.

Launch settings can also be edited manually for individual servers.

Table showing recovery instances with columns for instance details and replication status.

Editing the default DRS launch settings

The default launch settings will be applied to every newly launched source server in AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS). You can change these settings for a single or multiple servers whenever you choose.

To edit these settings, take the following steps:

  1. Select Default launch from the left-hand navigation menu (under Settings).

  2. Click Edit in the Default DRS launch settings section.

  3. Change the settings according to your preferences.

  4. Click Save.

Launch settings parameters

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) launch settings include:

  • Instance type right sizing – Allow the service to automatically update the instance type on the EC2 launch template, based on the CPU and RAM of the source server. If this setting is active (default), any modification you make to the instance type in the EC2 launch template will be overwritten by the service.

  • Start instance upon launch – Configure how the EC2 recovery instance should be launched – running or in a stopped state.

  • Copy private IP – Define whether the private IP should be copied from the source server’s primary network interface to EC2 launch template. If this setting is on, make sure that the subnet defined in the EC2 launch template includes that IP in its range.

  • Transfer server tags – Define if the launched EC2 instance should have the same tags as the source server resource.

  • Launch into source instance - Define whether DRS will automatically assign the ID of the source instances to the Launch into instance ID field in the Launch Settings of newly added source servers in this region. A source instance is the EC2 instance in this region that was the source of the data before replication was reversed to this region or availability zone. The EC2 instance to launch into must have a tag with key AWSDRS and value AllowLaunchingIntoThisInstance, and it must be stopped before launching into it. If Launch into instance ID is automatically set for a source server, the Transfer server tags, and Copy private IP settings will need to be deactivated for that server, as they cannot apply to an already launched instance.


    Note that for the instance to appear as a recovery instance in DRS, it needs to have an instance profile that includes the policy AWSElasticDisasterRecoveryRecoveryInstancePolicy. The role AWSElasticDisasterRecoveryRecoveryInstanceRole, which is added to an account when initializing the service, contains this policy and can be used as an instance profile.

    Learn more about Launch into source instance.

  • OS licensing – Choose the launched instance’s license type for Windows Servers – License-included or Bring Your Own License (BYOL). Linux servers and Windows Home are automatically launched as BYOL. If you launch a Windows Server or Windows Home as BYOL, you must select Dedicated host for the Tenancy setting in the advance settings of the EC2 launch template.