Installing Elemental Live on qualified hardware - AWS Elemental Live

Installing Elemental Live on qualified hardware

This section is for IT administrators who perform the first-time installation of AWS Elemental Live software on a hardware unit that is considered qualified hardware. For information about hardware that AWS Elemental considers to be qualified hardware, contact your AWS Elemental Sales representative or contact AWS Elemental Support through the AWS Elemental Support Center.

To install Elemental Live, you work on two systems:

  • A Windows, macOS, or Linux workstation that has access to the public internet.

  • The hardware unit (Elemental Live node) that you are setting up. This unit doesn't need access to the internet. In fact, we recognize that usually this unit won't have access.

Prerequisite knowledge

We assume that you know how to do the following:

  • Log in to the AWS Elemental hardware unit over Secure Shell (SSH) in order to run install commands via the command line interface.

  • Use Windows Share (on a Windows workstation), Samba (on a macOS workstation), or a utility such as SCP (on a Linux workstation) to move files.

  • Access recently downloaded files on your workstation.


In this procedure, we show how to install version 2.25.4 of the Elemental Live. Wherever an instruction shows 2.25.4, modify your commands to specify the version that you are installing.