Running NICE EnginFrame - EnginFrame Administrator Guide

End of support notice: On September 25, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for NICE EnginFrame. After September 25, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the NICE EnginFrame console or NICE EnginFrame resources. For more information, visit this blog post.

Running NICE EnginFrame

This chapter describes how to start and stop EnginFrame Portal and check its status. It also covers administration monitoring and self-check services.

Start or stop EnginFrame and check its status

You can control EnginFrame with the $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe command line script.

Run the following command to start EnginFrame:

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe start

Run the following command to stop EnginFrame:

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe stop

If EnginFrame Server and EnginFrame Agent are on separate hosts, run the following command on the host that's running EnginFrame Server:

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe <start|stop> server

Run the following command on the host that's running EnginFrame Agent:

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe <start|stop> agent

To start EnginFrame Enterprise, run the EnginFrame start (stop) command on each host of the EnginFrame Enterprise infrastructure that's in your deployment. For more information, see Deployment.

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe <start|stop>

This control script also checks EnginFrame's status:

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe status

The output of the previous command is as follows:

# /opt/nice/enginframe/bin/enginframe start Reading EnginFrame version from: /opt/nice/enginframe/current-version Current version: 2017.0-r41442 EnginFrame Control Script Loading configuration from: - "/opt/nice/enginframe/conf/enginframe.conf" Using EnginFrame in "/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442" Tomcat started. [OK] EnginFrame Server started [OK] EnginFrame Agent started
# /opt/nice/enginframe/bin/enginframe status Reading EnginFrame version from: /opt/nice/enginframe/current-version Current version: 2017.0-r41442 EnginFrame Control Script Loading configuration from: - "/opt/nice/enginframe/conf/enginframe.conf" Using EnginFrame in "/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442" ---- Server PID Information ---- USER PID PPID %CPU %MEM STIME TIME COMMAND efnobody 1674 1 69.9 17.4 19:34 00:01:47 /usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin/java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:HeapDumpPath=/[...]/dumps/server.pid1549.hprof -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=com.enginframe.common.utils.xml.handlers -XX:ErrorFile=/[...]/dumps/server.hs_err_pid1549.log -DjvmRoute=efserver1 -DEF_LICENSE_PATH=/opt/nice/enginframe/license -DDERBY_DATA=/opt/nice/enginframe/data/derby -DEF_ERRORS_DIR=/opt/nice/ enginframe/data/errors -Def.repository.dir=/opt/nice/enginframe/repository -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -DEF_ROOT=/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/ enginframe -DEF_DYNAMIC_ROOT=/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/enginframe -DEF_CONF_ROOT=/opt/nice/enginframe/conf -DEF_DATA_ROOT=/opt/nice/enginframe/ data -Def.tmp.dir=/opt/nice/enginframe/tmp/efserver1 -DEF_SPOOLER_DIR=/opt/ nice/enginframe/spoolers -DEF_SESSION_SPOOLER_DIR=/opt/nice/enginframe/ spoolers -DEF_LOGDIR=/opt/nice/enginframe/logs/efserver1 -Dfile.encoding=UTF -classpath :/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/tomcat/lib/ sdftree-handler.jar:/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/tomcat/bin/ bootstrap.jar:/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar [...] org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start ---- Server Port Information ---- INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8443"] ---- Agent PID Information ---- root 1677 1 6.5 5.2 19:34 00:00:10 /usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin/java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:HeapDumpPath=/[...]/dumps/agent.pid1549.hprof -XX:ErrorFile=/[...]/dumps/agent.hs_err_pid1549.log -DEF_ROOT=/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/enginframe -DEF_DYNAMIC_ROOT= /opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/enginframe -DEF_CONF_ROOT=/opt/nice/ enginframe/conf -DEF_DATA_ROOT=/opt/nice/enginframe/data -DEF_SPOOLER_DIR= /opt/nice/enginframe/spoolers -DEF_SESSION_SPOOLER_DIR=/opt/nice/enginframe/ spoolers -DEF_LOGDIR=/opt/nice/enginframe/logs/efserver1 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8[...]/2017.0-r41442/enginframe/conf/ef_java.policy [...] -jar /opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442/enginframe/agent/agent.jar
# /opt/nice/enginframe/bin/enginframe stop Reading EnginFrame version from: /opt/nice/enginframe/current-version Current version: 2017.0-r41442 EnginFrame Control Script Loading configuration from: - "/opt/nice/enginframe/conf/enginframe.conf" Using EnginFrame in "/opt/nice/enginframe/2017.0-r41442" Tomcat stopped. [OK] EnginFrame Agent is down

Accessing the portal

After the EnginFrame daemons are running, you can access EnginFrame Portal in a browser window. To do this, in the browser's address bar, enter the host name of your EnginFrame Server followed by a colon (:) and your EnginFrame Server port number.

The EnginFrame Server port number was set during installation and can be viewed with the the following command.

# $EF_TOP/bin/enginframe status

For example, if the EnginFrame Server host is named myhost, and EnginFrame Server port number is 7070, type in your browser's address bar as follows:


If your host name (in this example, myhost) isn't resolved by your DNS, you can specify the corresponding IP address:


If you encounter an issue related to the DNS name, domain resolution, or the IP address, contact your network administrator for help.

If EnginFrame Server is installed successfully, the welcome page is displayed when you access the portal. If your browser reports errors such as Cannot find the requested page, Server not found, or Problem loading page, verify that EnginFrame is installed correctly by checking its status as described in Start or stop EnginFrame and check its status.

Demo sites

If you installed the EnginFrame Developer's Documentation when you installed EnginFrame, the welcome page, together with the production portal Applications, Views, and Operational Dashboard, displays a link to the Technology Showcase, which points to a set of demo services. These demo services provide an illustration of all of EnginFrame's service capabilities.


By default, only the EF_ADMIN user can access administration and tutorial demo sites.

Operational Dashboard

In the EnginFrame Operational Dashboard view, administrators can monitor and manage operations directly from a web browser.

The Operational Dashboard is linked from the EnginFrame welcome page. Otherwise, you can reach it directly at:


The Operational Dashboard offers a set of services that are divided into the following categories:

These services are listed in the navigation pane of the dashboard.


You can view and use the services listed in Monitor.

  • Server Load shows CPU usage, Java™ Virtual Machine memory usage, repository and spoolers file system size, and i-node usage.

  • Usage Statistics shows current and historical data for the number of logged users, jobs with status, and interactive sessions and spoolers.

  • Installed Components displays the list of installed EnginFrame plugins and versions.

  • Logged Users shows the users logged into the portal, including an option to force user logout.

  • Triggers can be used view and manage scheduled triggers in EnginFrame.

  • ACL Actors shows EnginFrame ACL actors defined in the authorization.xconf files that are loaded by the system.


With the services listed in Troubleshooting, you can check portal status and health.

  • Run Self checks performs several operations to exercise different functions and aspects of EnginFrame. Every test outputs a result and, in most cases, a quick hint to correct the problem.

  • View Error Files can be used to display error files generated by EnginFrame when services produce the wrong output. You can choose an error to view by entering the error file name, by selecting errors from a list, or by entering an error number.

  • Collect Support Info gathers a wide range of information about EnginFrame Portal and its configuration. This service output is a compressed archive containing all gathered information. Attach this package when sending your request to EnginFrame support.

EnginFrame statistics

To collect information about license usage, jobs usage, and others useful statistics, EnginFrame uses RRD4J as round-robin database.

RRD4J is a high-performance data logging and graphing system for time series data, implementing RRDTool's functionality in Java™. It follows much of the same logic and uses the same data sources, archive types, and definitions that RRDTool uses.

EnginFrame creates a database for general usage information that's named efstatistics.rrd and a database for each license file that's named license_<component>_<expiration>_<maxToken>.rrd. A new database will be created when a license file changes.

In the admin.statistics.efconf configuration file, you can configure some RRD4J specific parameters to change archive time intervals or to configure historical charts. For more information, see the RRD4J website.

When you run EnginFrame for the first time, database files are created and loaded with data, and then they're updated every 60 seconds with new data.


In the EnginFrame Workspace view, users can create, manage, and submit both batch and interactive services.

The Workspace is linked from the EnginFrame welcome page or can be reached directly using the following URL.


The Workspace offers two interfaces for two different user roles: Admin View and User View.

Admin View

You can use the Admin View interface to monitor interactive sessions, jobs, hosts, and to manage services, Workpsace users and portal appearance.

  • Monitor » All Sessions can by used by the administrator to manage interactive sessions for all Workpsace users.

  • Monitor » All Jobs can be used by the administrator to monitor and manage DRM jobs for all Workpsace users. To control the jobs of other users' Workpsace administrator must have the proper rights in the underlying DRM.

  • Monitor » Hosts can be used by the administrator to monitor the status of the hosts of the configured DRMs.

  • Manage » Services can be used by the administrator to create, delete, edit, or publish batch and interactive services.

  • Manage » Users service allows the administrator to register, import, or manage Workpsace users.

  • Manage » Appearance service enables the administrator to change the company logo and the Portal color theme.

User View

You can use User View to monitor user data, sessions, jobs and hosts, together with Batch and Interactive services that are published by the Workspace administrators.

  • Data » Spoolers shows the user's EnginFrame Spoolers and provides rename and delete operations.

  • Data » Files allows the user to browse and manage files in their home directory.

  • Monitor » Sessions can be used by the user to monitor and manage their interactive sessions.

  • Monitor » Jobs can be used by the user to monitor and manage their jobs.

  • Monitor » Hosts can be used by the user to monitor the status of the hosts of the configured DRMs.

Workspace administrators can create and publish new services through the Admin View. When they publish a new service, administrators can make it available to all users or only to specific groups of users.


The Workspace requires a specific license. Contact or your EnginFrame reseller to purchase a license, perform a license change or obtain a demo license. EnginFrame doesn't require a license on an EC2 instance. For more information about licensing, see Obtaining NICE EnginFrame.

Virtual Desktop

EnginFrame includes the Virtual Desktop to create, manage, and submit Interactive services.

The Virtual Desktop is linked from the EnginFrame welcome page or can be reached directly at

: http://<host>:<port>/<context>/vdi

The Virtual Desktop offers two interfaces for two different users' roles: Admin's Portal and User View.

Admin View

You can use the Admin View to monitor and manage interactive sessions, jobs, hosts, services, users and portal appearance.

  • Monitor » All Sessions can be used by the administrator to manage interactive sessions for all Virtual Desktop users.

  • Monitor » Hosts can be used by the administrator to monitor the status of the hosts of the configured DRMs.

  • Manage » Interactive Services can be used by the administrator to create, delete, edit, or publish Interactive services.

  • Manage » Users can be used by the administrator to register, import, and manage Virtual Desktop users.

  • Manage » Appearance can be used by the administrator to change the company logo and the Portal color theme.

User View

You can use the User View to monitor user's sessions and cluster hosts, together with the Interactive services published by Virtual Desktop administrators.

  • Monitor » Sessions can be used by the user to monitor and manage their interactive sessions.

  • Monitor » Hosts can be used by the user to monitor the status of the hosts of the configured DRMs.

Virtual Desktop administrators can create and publish new services through the Admin View. They can publish these services to specific users or groups of users.